An entrepreneur who drinks? Aghh... you're potentially leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table. Top professional, who drinks but wants to stop drinking? Aghh... you're probably leaving a promotion or raise on the table. Ready to quit alcohol and perform at a high level? How much revenue or income are you squandering? Listen in to find out.

★ - Learn more about Project 90:

★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if, or how, we could support you having a better relationship with alcohol:

★ - (Free Guide) The Alcohol Freedom Formula For Over 30s Entrepreneurs & High Performers:


An entrepreneur who drinks? Aghh... you're potentially leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table. Top professional, who drinks but wants to stop drinking? Aghh... you're probably leaving a promotion or raise on the table. Ready to quit alcohol and perform at a high level? How much revenue or income are you squandering? Listen in to find out.