Latest Family relationships Podcast Episodes

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3 Stories That Help You Overcome Her One Arm

Needed and Known - June 16, 2021 10:00 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Sarah has sparkling blue eyes, beautiful brown hair, and one arm ends at her elbow. "Mommy, why does she only have one arm?" In this episode, Sarah will share the story of what happened to her arm. She'll share about her successful youth softball pitching history and a shocking conversation w...

Needed and Known artwork

Living in the Mud with Multiple Sclerosis Since 21

Needed and Known - June 09, 2021 12:00 - 26 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
On this episode, I’m introducing you to my friend Allison. Allison is literally a brilliant beauty Queen and her husband Shane is truly her Prince Charming. We all know that the struggle with an illness or disease can potentially suck the joy out of life. But not for Allison, Shane and Multipl...

Needed and Known artwork

Beauty and the Multiple Sclerosis

Needed and Known - June 09, 2021 12:00 - 26 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
On this episode, I’m introducing you to my friend Allison. Allison is literally a brilliant beauty Queen and her husband Shane is truly her Prince Charming. We all know that the struggle with an illness or disease can potentially suck the joy out of life. But not for Allison, Shane and Multipl...

Needed and Known artwork

Beauty and the Multiple Sclerosis

Needed and Known - June 09, 2021 12:00 - 26 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
On this episode, I’m introducing you to my friend Allison. Allison is literally a brilliant beauty Queen and her husband Shane is truly her Prince Charming. We all know that the struggle with an illness or disease can potentially suck the joy out of life. But not for Allison, Shane and Multipl...

Needed and Known artwork

How to be a Generous Friend with Six-Figure Savings

Needed and Known - June 02, 2021 12:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
What if we focused on our needs and generosity to get rich? Being “rich” is relative, but when paycheck-to-paycheck is how most people live. In this episode Zap shares practical ways to increase your savings (Hint: there is no MLM involved!). Follow on Facebook, Instagram, or Read More Here! Su...

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Hot and Homeless: What Happens When the Perfect Home Burns Down?

Needed and Known - June 01, 2021 04:00 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
"Go home. Your house is on fire." She stared at her grocery cart and son in disbelief at the words she heard. How is this possible? She was home just a few hours ago and everything was fine. When I see a story on the news of a house fire, I wonder what happens next? What would I do if they were...

Needed and Known artwork

What Happens When the Perfect Home Burns Down?

Needed and Known - June 01, 2021 04:00 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
"Go home. Your house is on fire." She stared at her grocery cart and son in disbelief at the words she heard. How is this possible? She was home just a few hours ago and everything was fine. When I see a story on the news of a house fire, I wonder what happens next? What would I do if they were...

Needed and Known artwork

Calling On Needed and Known

Needed and Known - May 31, 2021 19:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
How do you help someone feel needed and known? People who are needed and known are confident in their self-identity and expertly clear communication. Join host Cassandra Roberts as she navigates life lessons in pursuit of personal development. Learn to ask deeper questions while recovering from ...

Welcome Home  artwork

Episode 1: Grand in the Beginning, Hell at the End

Welcome Home - May 20, 2021 23:15 - 42 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Sweet ole high school. Everyone's favorite part of life. Our hormones fluctuate, faces and bodies change, we're all just trying to find oursleves. What's not to love? Some of you, like myself, may have moved way too much to enjoy high school, while others stayed at their school for 4 years. Regar...

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You Said WHAT!?

Welcome Home - April 22, 2021 06:00 - 53 minutes ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
We all love a good story. What about one with an abusive father, deceased mom, multiple group homes, crazy foster homes and a really reckless? Great story right! We will touch base on emotional and physical abuse, Also get a look into the LA county foster system and how I’ve coped with it all.

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo artwork

How to Love Your Child - Podcast Episode 32 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - April 03, 2021 05:00 - 5 minutes
Whenever we travel or bump into great parents, we ask them for advice on parenting. As we collected from dozens of parents there seems to be a common theme. On this podcast, we talk about the most important thing you can give your child. Join us as we dive deep in this topic. Please subscribe ...

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Want Happier Children? Try Routines - Podcast Episode 31 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - March 31, 2021 23:00 - 9 minutes
Tired of your kids going wild? Put them in a schedule! Kids love routines and having their life in order with a schedule. Believe it or not, kids find security in a schedule. Join us to find out how our daily routines helps create a win win situation. Please subscribe and visit us on our websit...

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Newborn Essential Products - Podcast Episode 30 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - March 17, 2021 22:00 - 16 minutes
Overwhelmed with all the newborn products? Want to know what’s really essential? Having our first kid, we realized that they really didn’t need THAT much. With our second kid, we confirmed those essentials! In this podcast, we share what parents really need for their newborns. Join us as we dive...

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We had the 1 in 80,000 Birth Story - Podcast Episode 29 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - March 11, 2021 23:00 - 12 minutes
Every birth story is unique and special. It’s certainly a team effort as the mother prepares herself for birth, as the father coaches/helps the mother, and as baby prepares for his/her debut. Birth is such a magical experience. Yes, it’s painful but within that pain lies a story full of tears, s...

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Preparing Your Child For a Sibling - Podcast Episode 28 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - March 03, 2021 21:00 - 7 minutes
Have you noticed your toddler regressing after the addition of a baby sibling? It is actually very common to see this regression pattern. After all, if the older sibling was the only child, their attention from mama and dada was solely theirs. Now, they are having to share this attention. In thi...

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Bradley Method: A Must for All Parents to Be - Podcast Episode 27 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - February 19, 2021 22:00 - 19 minutes
What kind of birthing experience would you like to have? Who would be supporting you? In this podcast we talk about our positive experience with the Bradley method. This method of birthing is a more natural route and involves your partner to be your coach. Utilizing this method not only brought ...

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Too Many Toys Syndrome - Podcast Episode 26 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - January 19, 2021 01:00 - 10 minutes
Is your house filled with toys? Do you keep buying toys for your child/children? We are totally guilty for this. As parents we think, educational toys, sensory toys, or any other toys may be more beneficially to their child/children but we found some interesting information about having too much...

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo artwork

One Thing You Can Do to Empower Your Children - Podcast Episode 25 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - January 09, 2021 01:00 - 7 minutes
Want to minimize tantrums with your child/children? Want to help your child/children to feel confident? Want to empower your child/children? Want to teach responsibility to your child/children? In this podcast, we discuss the power of giving choices to your child/children. As simple as it sounds...

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The Secret to Making Your Dreams Come True - Podcast Episode 24 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - December 31, 2020 01:00 - 9 minutes
Do you have aspirations and dreams? Want your dreams to come true? it's definitely possible with the right tool. So dream BIG! In this podcast, we talk about tools you can use to achieve your goals and dreams. Join us as we dive deep to make your dreams come true. Please subscribe and visit us...

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How to Motivate Yourself - Podcast Episode 23 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - December 24, 2020 00:00 - 6 minutes
Do you ever procrastinate? Ever have trouble feeling motivated to finish a task? We go through this all the time! So naturally, we found tips and tricks in helping us get tasks done. In this podcast, we talk about 2 ways in which can help you start and finish a task for those laggers and perfect...

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How to Help Your Children Cope with Emotions - Podcast Episode 22 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - December 15, 2020 01:00 - 23 minutes
Want your child/children to be able to regulate their emotions in a healthy way? If so, it starts with the parents.  Parents can help regulate their children's emotional more than they think. How we react to our children’s emotions impacts the development of their emotional intelligence. Better ...

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Ask How Can We? Who Can Help? - Podcast Episode 21 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - November 29, 2020 00:00 - 11 minutes
Changing our perspective can have a drastic affect on how we feel about things. Changing our perspective can bring more light to any situation. Being in a relationship we often come across situations where there is a difference in value or opinions. But, rather than arguing with them why not ask...

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How to Support Your Partner through Life Change - Podcast Episode 20 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - November 20, 2020 01:00 - 23 minutes
Changing who you are is a difficult process and having someone close to you fully support your efforts can be the difference-maker. Fully supporting your partner means having he/her feel safe and secure when going through changes. When missteps happen along the way of change, it's important that...

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The Secrets to Having a Natural Birth without an epidural - Podcast Episode 19 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - November 04, 2020 06:00 - 17 minutes
Birthing a child can be a challenge being that you have to deal with so much pain. In western society having a natural birth is starting to seem foreign to many yet half the globe in having natural births. In this podcast we talk about coping tools to help the mothers go through the pain without...

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Which Love Language Do You Speak? - Podcast Episode 18 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - October 27, 2020 00:00 - 15 minutes
In what way do you receive your love? Do you know how your partner receives their love? Everyone receives love in different ways. Some may receive love through  physical touch and others may resonate more with compliments. In this podcast we talk about the 5 love languages and how it helped our ...

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Unique Ways to Manage Stress - Podcast Episode 17 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - October 17, 2020 00:00 - 16 minutes
Stress is an energy drainer and can affect your health in many ways including physically, mentally, emotionally, and transcendentally. In this way individuals need to find ways in which to cope with stress in a healthy manner. In this podcast we discuss our non conventional ways of dealing with ...

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A Honest Couple's Secret 🤫- Podcast Episode 16 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - October 11, 2020 07:00 - 16 minutes
How honest are you with your partner? Being honest with your partner is one of the most important things you can do to build a solid foundation for each other. In this podcast we talk about the importance and benefits of being honest with one another. Join us, as we dive deep with this topic of ...

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Are you Annoyed by your Partner? Podcast Episode 15 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - October 06, 2020 00:00 - 16 minutes
Are you Annoyed by your partner? If you're in a relationship this annoyance is bound to happen since you are both different people with different thoughts. In this podcast we talk about a tool to help soothe each other when being triggered with unpleasant emotions. This tool can diffuse most any...

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The Secret of Traveling with your Little One Podcast Episode 14 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - September 28, 2020 07:00 - 16 minutes
Want to travel with your little one? What to travel minimally on top of that? On this podcast we talk about how we traveled with our 4.5 months old internationally. We’ll let you know the minimal essentials you’ll need for both yourself and baby. Join us! Where have you gone with your little one...

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How to know your Partner's Personality - Podcast Episode 13 - Yuntaku Time

Parenting Insights with Akko & Tamo - September 22, 2020 00:00 - 14 minutes
Knowing your partner's Meyer's Briggs's personality type can help in various ways. It can help in understanding how your partner communicates, how they deal with problems, and how they make decisions. This can not only improve your romantic relationship but help in other relationships as well. W...

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