Latest Eco anxiety Podcast Episodes

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Episode 6: Embracing Uncertainty

Facing It - November 24, 2020 00:29 - 20 minutes
Eco-anxiety and climate grief are sometimes framed as “disorders,” but in fact these feelings typically arise from an accurate perception of our ecological crisis. It may be more appropriate to identify eco-anxiety as a “moral emotion” -- a sign of compassion, attachment to life, and desire for ...

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Episode 5: Is Hope Overrated?

Facing It - July 20, 2020 16:41 - 22 minutes
Many consider Hope to be essential for sustaining social movements where change is slow, setbacks are frequent, and the odds aren't good. As Rebecca Solnit once wrote, "To hope is to give yourself to the future - and that commitment to the future is what makes the present inhabitable.” But when ...

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Episode 4: Coping with Climate Despair in Four Steps

Facing It - May 25, 2020 16:00 - 23 minutes
With the urgency of our climate crisis increasing by the day, many scientists and climate leaders are calling for global action on the scale of World-War II mobilizations. Yet in the face of this daunting task and the existential threat of climate disruption (both present and future) many find t...

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Episode 3: Eco-Grief: Our Greatest Ally?

Facing It - April 22, 2020 19:15 - 17 minutes
If you suffer from climate grief, you know what it's like to feel hopeless, alone, or bewildered by society's business-as-usual response to our existential threat. Wanting those feelings to go away is normal, but grief can lead to awareness and compassion in ways that actually advance political ...

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Episode 2: Why Climate Emotions Matter

Facing It - April 22, 2020 18:52 - 17 minutes
Is reason or emotion more important in driving climate action? Will solutions to mass extinction come from the head or the heart? Or are these binaries themselves part of the problem? While some climate activists argue that we should focus on facts instead of feelings, others know that our inten...

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Episode 1: Facing Down Climate Grief

Facing It - April 22, 2020 18:30 - 15 minutes
The age of climate crisis is upon us, and grief and anxiety are on the rise. Our pilot episode introduces the emotional burden of climate change, and why despair leaves so many people unable to respond to this existential threat. Overcoming that paralysis is the first step in moving to action, a...

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