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Trusting God: Summer Shape Up, Week 3, Day 5

Devotionals on the Go - June 14, 2024 07:00 - 10 minutes
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 Read: Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 37:4-6, and Isaiah 26:3 Sometimes God feels distant.  Sometimes it seems that God isn’t cooperating.  Sometimes ...

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Are You Missing This Character Trait? Summer Shape Up, Week 3, Day 4

Devotionals on the Go - June 13, 2024 07:00 - 11 minutes
Christ is the perfect model of patience. God wants us to be like Him, and the more we become Christ-like, the more we will have patience: patience with God, patience with others, and patience with ourselves.  As simple as it may sound, when you find yourself feeling impatient this week, ask your...

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Search Me God: Summer Shape Up, Week 3, Day 3

Devotionals on the Go - June 12, 2024 07:00 - 11 minutes
You may not FEEL loved, valued, or special at times. It could be that others may not treat you according to your worth.  It may be that circumstances feel irreparable or hopeless.  It may be that you feel unnoticed or unloved.  Regardless of your feelings, you can choose to believe and live acco...

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What Are You Worried About? Summer Shape Up, Week 3, Day 2

Devotionals on the Go - June 11, 2024 07:00 - 9 minutes
God did not give you shoulders broad enough to carry all your worries through life.  He did give you the responsibility to pray about the issues that worry you, but He didn’t give you the burden of carrying it; you can’t do that.  The more you try to carry your own burdens, the more you diminish...

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Utilize Your Self Control: Summer Shape Up, Week 3, Day 1

Devotionals on the Go - June 10, 2024 07:00 - 7 minutes
Proverbs 25:28 tells us that A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls. In your own words, what are the consequences of living without self control?  How does the image of this proverb help describe what a lack of self control looks like in someone’s life? Be sure to...

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Goodness is Love in Action: Summer Shape Up, Week 2, Day 5

Devotionals on the Go - June 07, 2024 19:00 - 9 minutes
Of the three characteristics of the Good Samaritan – compassion, extravagant giving, and generous investment of time – which is most difficult for you to show? Why?

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Are You Self Disciplined? Sumer Shape Up, Week 2, Day 4

Devotionals on the Go - June 06, 2024 07:00 - 11 minutes
What race are you running to win?  We all run a race.  Do not run aimlessly in your Christian faith, but seek perseverance and learn to discipline your body, your schedule, your words and your actions so that you can run to receive the prize. Be sure to check out 

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Faithfulness: Summer Shape Up: Week 2, Day 3

Devotionals on the Go - June 05, 2024 07:00 - 12 minutes
It’s one thing to simply believe in God, but another to be faithful to Him. When we are truly faithful to God, this shapes the way we live.  Think about the ways you show your faithfulness to God. Are there things that are getting in the way of your faithfulness? Be sure to check out https://...

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What is the Loving Thing to Do? Summer Shape Up, Week 2, Day 2

Devotionals on the Go - June 04, 2024 07:00 - 8 minutes
I encourage you to ask this important question throughout your week: “What is the loving thing to do?” Should you respond irritably to your husband or not: “What is the loving thing to do?” Should you yell at your child or not: “What is the loving thing to do?”  Should you help a neighbor or ...

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Just Be Kind: Summer Shape Up, Week 2 Day 1

Devotionals on the Go - June 03, 2024 07:00 - 10 minutes
This week, be sure to fill your tank.  Take care of your physical and emotional needs, and be sure to manage your time in a way that will allow margin.  Then as you move through your day, prayerfully seek out each and every opportunity to demonstrate kindness to the people around you. Be sure ...

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Are You a Gentle Person? Summer Shape Up, Week 1, Day 5

Devotionals on the Go - May 31, 2024 07:00 - 7 minutes
Gentleness is often the disrespected, forgotten fruit of the Spirit. Gentleness is turning the reins of anger and irritation over to the Holy Spirit. Growing in gentleness is a process.  To grow in gentleness, we must see people with Jesus' eyes and strive to become more like Jesus each day. Be...

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Put on Your Armor: Summer Shape Up, Week 1, Workout 4

Devotionals on the Go - May 30, 2024 07:00 - 9 minutes
In today’s passage, we are told to be strong in the Lord and put on His full armor to be able to stand against the devil’s schemes.  Any area of your life that is not under the control of the Holy Spirit is open to the enemy.  He will attack your faith with fear and worry. He loves to intimidate...

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Joy: Summer Shape Up, Week 1, Day 3

Devotionals on the Go - May 29, 2024 07:00 - 8 minutes
We can experience joy even if we’re not feeling happy.  Philippians 4:4 tells Christ-followers to “rejoice in the Lord always”.  Do people see you as a rejoicer? Do they see that you’re always praising the Lord?  Today we will focus on three steps you can take this week as you focus on growing i...

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Feeling Complete and Whole: Summer Shape Up, Week 1, Day 2

Devotionals on the Go - May 28, 2024 07:00 - 6 minutes
Many are familiar with the Hebrew word shalom. Shalom means “peace” in English, but in Hebrew it means so much more.  True biblical shalom means an inward sense of completeness or wholeness.  Although it can refer to an absence of war or conflict, it most often refers to an inner completeness, t...

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It's All About Love - Summer Shape Up, Week 1, Day 1

Devotionals on the Go - May 27, 2024 07:00 - 10 minutes
This pairs with week 1, workout 1 in the SoulStrength Fit SUmmer Shape Up program at Satan has come to steal and destroy, and if he can steal from you the ability to love others and yourself as fully as possible by feeding your negative thoughts, you had better believe ...

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Put This Above All Else: Eight Week Challenge, Week 8, Day 6

Devotionals on the Go - May 25, 2024 07:00 - 10 minutes
What is the one thing ultimately required of you if you are serious about continuing to grow as a disciple of Christ? 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 For more great faith based content, visit:

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Armor of God: Eight Week Challenge, Week 8, Day 5

Devotionals on the Go - May 24, 2024 07:00 - 17 minutes
Ephesians 6:10-20 Paul sets a scene for us in which we are fighting a war, but our war is not against other people or enemies of this world.  Our war is against the evil one.  Think for a moment about what things keep you from consistently putting on the full armor of God.  Think about each piec...

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Run the Race: Eight Week Challenge, Week 8, Episode 4

Devotionals on the Go - May 23, 2024 07:00 - 8 minutes
What does it mean to run the race with perseverance?  What do you need to do, and how must you prepare, in order to run the race Jesus has marked out for you?  Hebrews 12:1-3

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Get Out of Your Boat: Eight Week Challenge, Week 8, Episode 3

Devotionals on the Go - May 22, 2024 08:00 - 12 minutes
Matthew 14:22-33 Jesus invited Peter to get out of the boat and walk to Him.  He asked Peter to do something he couldn’t do on his own; to do something he couldn’t do without God’s power and presence.  In what areas of your life might God be asking you to “get out of the boat”?   www.soulstren...

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Hard Pressed But Hopeful: 8 Week Challenge, Week 8, Day 2

Devotionals on the Go - May 21, 2024 07:00 - 9 minutes
Be sure to check out to get the whole faith based fitness program! Paul describes a pretty grim picture of his life in these verses.  He feels hard-pressed, persecuted, and struck down.  Yet there is a hopeful note throughout these  verses.   How would you put into your own ...

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Are You Content No Matter the Circumstances?: Eight Week Challenge, Week 8, Day 1

Devotionals on the Go - May 20, 2024 07:00 - 10 minutes
Philippians 4:10-20 To what extent do you feel content, regardless of the circumstances?  What are things in your life that leave you feeling discontent?  Remember: we can’t be content when we allow our minds to be filled with negative thoughts.

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The Mindset of Christ: Eight Week Challenge, Week 7, Day 6

Devotionals on the Go - May 18, 2024 07:00 - 9 minutes
Philippians 2:5-11 We are told that In our relationships with one another, we are to have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.  What is the mindset of Christ? Does it feel possible to you to maintain that mindset?

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There is Power in Prayer: Eight Week Challenge, Week 7, Day 5

Devotionals on the Go - May 17, 2024 07:00 - 14 minutes
Genesis 24:1-15 Being honest, how confident are you that God hears your prayers?  Do you think you would pray more if you had greater confidence and faith that God hears your prayers?

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Christ Has Chosen You: Eight Week Challenge, Week 7, Day 4

Devotionals on the Go - May 16, 2024 07:00 - 9 minutes
John 15:18-27 He has chosen you to be his disciple.  He has chosen you to be a light to others.  He has chosen you to be a blessing to those around you.  What has Christ chosen you to do?

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Let Go of the Need To Be In Control: 8 Week Challenge, Week 7, Day 3

Devotionals on the Go - May 15, 2024 07:00 - 9 minutes
John 6:1-13 Is it possible that some of your anxiety stems from your need for control.  What does it mean for you to “let go and let God?”

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Are You Walking Through the Desert?: Eight Week Challenge, Week 7, Day 2

Devotionals on the Go - May 14, 2024 07:00 - 11 minutes
Exodus 13:17-22 God has not abandoned you.  God has not forgotten you.  It may not seem like the quickest or the easiest way, but God has a plan.  He is far less concerned with how you will get there or how long it will take as He is with WHO YOU WILL BE WHEN YOU GET THERE. https://www.soulstr...

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Dealing With Anxiety: Eight Week Challenge, Week 7, Day 1

Devotionals on the Go - May 13, 2024 07:00 - 11 minutes
Philippians 4:4-9 What causes you the greatest amount of anxiety currently?  Can you bring these anxieties before God and allow his peace and strength to surround you?

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Go Into All The World: Eight Week Challenge, Week 6, Day 6

Devotionals on the Go - May 11, 2024 07:00 - 8 minutes
Mark 16:15-20 Just before returning to the Father, Jesus tells  his disciples to go  into all  the world and preach the  gospel  to all creation.  In what ways is Jesus calling you?  To whom is He calling you to share his love?  Where might  He be calling you to go or what might He be calling y...

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Do People See Jesus In You?: Eight Week Challenge, Week 6, Day 5

Devotionals on the Go - May 10, 2024 07:00 - 14 minutes
Colossians 3:1-17 When people see you, do they see Jesus?  What characteristics of Christ do you demonstrate to others?  What Christ-like characteristics might God want you to demonstrate more often?

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Where Are You, God?: Eight Week Challenge, Week 6, Day 4

Devotionals on the Go - May 09, 2024 07:00 - 8 minutes
Psalm 13 Have you ever felt forgotten by God?  Have you ever wondered why He  isn’t answering your prayers, or whether He is listening?  Can you tell Him about your doubts, your sorrows, your  hurts?

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