This devotional pairs with Week 1, Workout 1 of Finding Joy found at .

The Book of Philippians is commonly referred to as the “Joy Book,” and rightly so as Paul uses the words joy or rejoice at least 14 times.  Despite writing this letter from a prison cell, Paul is filled with joy because his joy comes from Jesus, not his surroundings.  

The best evidence indicates that Paul wrote this letter while imprisoned in Rome while awaiting Caesar’s decision regarding his fate.  Paul had a long history with the Philippian Christians.  (Feel free to look back in the book of Acts at Paul’s first encounters with the Philippians - the conversion of Lydia’s family, the healing of a demon-possessed girl, and the conversion of Philippian jailer and his family. 

Acts 16:6-40)

Paul maintained close ties with the church of Philippi.  The Philippians showed kindness to Paul and sent Paul support when he was in Thessalonica and while imprisoned in Rome.

The Book of Philippians is commonly referred to as the “Joy Book,” and rightly so as Paul uses the words joy or rejoice at least 14 times.  Despite writing this letter from a prison cell, Paul is filled with joy because his joy comes from Jesus, not his surroundings.  

The best evidence indicates that Paul wrote this letter while imprisoned in Rome while awaiting Caesar’s decision regarding his fate.  Paul had a long history with the Philippian Christians.  (Feel free to look back in the book of Acts at Paul’s first encounters with the Philippians - the conversion of Lydia’s family, the healing of a demon-possessed girl, and the conversion of Philippian jailer and his family. 

Acts 16:6-40)

Paul maintained close ties with the church of Philippi.  The Philippians showed kindness to Paul and sent Paul support when he was in Thessalonica and while imprisoned in Rome.