This Devotional pairs with workout 2 from Finding Joy Workout program at Paul is encouraging the church that the gospel is spreading, not just despite his imprisonment, but through it.  He gives three examples in these verses to prove his point.  What are they?  (hint: vv12-13, v14, vv15-18)

How would you explain in your own words how Paul's imprisonment strengthened believers?

Can you make a personal connection to what Paul was observing?  He saw God’s work being furthered because of the trial he was enduring.  Have you ever experienced a time in your life in which a trying or difficult situation furthered either your own walk with God or someone’s else’s walk with God?  What happened?  How did God use that experience to spread the gospel, increase faith, or bless ______________________________________________________________________________________

Paul faced stark opposition.  But the opposition to the gospel turned into opportunity.  Like a master weaver, God was at work behind the scenes, weaving together a beautiful tapestry.  God was behind it all; God was at work.  Paul’s opponents wished him harm, but God was using it for good.

Can you think of stories in scripture that God used evil and suffering for good?
