Latest Ahad Podcast Episodes

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Episode 234 Gratitude with Patrick Heffernan

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - November 28, 2022 05:12 - 54 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
Fitting for the week following Thanksgiving, this week’s episode is a conversation about gratitude. In whatever way you celebrated Thanksgiving, I hope you can tap into a list of what you are grateful for on a regular basis. I am part of a wonderful yoga community called Journey to the Peak (we...

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Episode 233 Lydia Ignacio, Holistic Therapist and Coach

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - November 21, 2022 05:12 - 51 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
My guest today is Lydia Ignacio, a holistic therapist and coach, who is on a mission to awaken, heal and inspire humanity to reach higher heights. She integrates intuitive, energetic healing modalities and cares deeply about the health and vitality of her community. Lydia calls herself a transf...

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Episode 232 Hope In Humanity

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - November 14, 2022 05:12 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
On this week’s episode, I share a visceral experience that refueled my hope in humanity. On Sunday November 6th, two days before Election Day, I witnessed NYC’s biggest block party: the NYC Marathon. My inspiring son-in-law, Ross Pederson, ran the 26.2 miles and it was exhilarating being there t...

Maamul Wanaag artwork

Xulashooyinka awood qeybsi ee nidaamka federaalka Soomaaliya  

Maamul Wanaag - November 10, 2022 07:00 - 1 hour
Soomaaliya markii ugu horreysay waxa ay nidaam federaaal si kumeelgaa ah u qaadatay sanadkii 2004. Madaxweynihii ugu horreeyay ee Puntland oo la dhisay sanadkii 1998 ayaa noqday madaxweynihii dowladdii federaalka kumeelgaarka ee lagu dhisay Kenya sanadkii 2004. Kadib sanado badan oo lagu howlana...

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Episode 231 Ride The Waves

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - November 07, 2022 04:12 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
On this week’s episode, I acknowledge the political waves before us, with tomorrow November 8th being election day for the mid-terms. I reflect on the waves of paranoia, waves of activism, waves of fear, and waves of spiritual centeredness. With these waves comes a wide range of emotions from f...

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Policy options for agreeing a model for fiscal federalism

Maamul Wanaag - November 02, 2022 07:00 - 34 minutes
Somalia first formally adopted a federal model in 2004 with the establishment of the Transitional Federal Government. Since then, federalism has been deepened and clarified with the adoption of the Provisional Federal Constitution in 2012 and the subsequent formation of the country’s Federal Mem...

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Episode 230 Patty Murray, musician, songwriter and mental health advocate

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - October 31, 2022 04:21 - 52 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
My guest today is Patty Murray - just to be clear, that is ‘Patty Murray, the sister’ - not ‘Patty Murray the senator!’ Patty is a musician, songwriter and mental health advocate extraordinaire. Even though Patty doesn’t have a social work license, she has the heart and soul of social worker, h...

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Episode 229 "Timing"

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - October 24, 2022 04:12 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
On this week’s episode, I talk about timing - is it everything? And when our timing is off how do we cut ourselves slack and be open to the lessons there for us to learn. Timing does matter and I care about being as intentional as I can be to align my podcast episodes with current holidays or e...

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Episode 228 Perry Gartner, consultant, writer, musician

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - October 17, 2022 04:30 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
My guest today is Perry Gartner, a C.I. Consultant who jumps into a phone booth to become a drummer, card counter, and writer. Oh and yes, his nearly 2 year employment with Space X. You decide if he is a spy. Perry has a thirst for knowledge, a curiosity for deeper understanding and childlike e...

Maamul Wanaag artwork

Soo nooleynta wada-xaajoodka arrimaha siyaasadda ee la isku hayo

Maamul Wanaag - October 16, 2022 07:00 - 27 minutes
Dastuurka Federaalka ee Soomaaliya waxa si kumeelgaar ah loo ansixiyey 10 sano kahor 1-dii August 2012. Sanadihii u dhexeeyay 2013 ilaa 2016, ilaa 4 dowlad-goboleed ayaa la dhisay. Balse arrimo muhiim u ah qabya-tirka dastuurka iyo dhameystirka qaab-dhismeedka federaalka ayaanan weli laga heshii...

Maamul Wanaag artwork

Soo nooleynta wada-xaajoodka arrimaha siyaasadda ee la isku hayo

Maamul Wanaag - October 16, 2022 07:00 - 27 minutes
Dastuurka Federaalka ee Soomaaliya waxa si kumeelgaar ah loo ansixiyey 10 sano kahor 1-dii August 2012. Sanadihii u dhexeeyay 2013 ilaa 2016, ilaa 4 dowlad-goboleed ayaa la dhisay. Balse arrimo muhiim u ah qabya-tirka dastuurka iyo dhameystirka qaab-dhismeedka federaalka ayaanan weli laga heshii...

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire artwork

Episode 227 At-One-Ment

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - October 10, 2022 04:12 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
On this week’s episode, I reference the recent Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, the “Day of Atonement” which, if you shift the first two syllables, can also be thought of as “At-One-Ment”. Regardless of your religious or non-religious affiliation, it is wise to reflect, forgive and cleanse that wh...

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Episode 226 Earth Blessing

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - October 03, 2022 04:40 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
This week’s episode is a simple prayer to bless the earth. I share a free form meditation that I say when walking in nature, that focuses on my gratitude for the beauty and wonder of the land, waters and sky. May this accompany you as you walk through the woods, along the river, up the mountain...

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Episode 225 Birthday Love

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - September 26, 2022 04:14 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
On this week’s episode, I reflect on birthdays, honoring the aging process, embracing life and how we give and receive love on birthdays. How do you enjoy celebrating birthdays for the people you love? How do you prefer to be celebrated on your birthday? Young or old, birthdays are great chance...

Maamul Wanaag artwork

Ma la joogaa wakhtigii dib-u-eegis lagu sameyn lahaa Naqshadda Amniga Qaranka ee lagu heshiiyey 2017?

Maamul Wanaag - September 25, 2022 13:00 - 15 minutes
Bishii May ee 2017, madaxda dowladda federaalka iyo dowlad-goboleedyada ayaa Naqshadda Amniga Qaranka ugasoo heshiiyey shir ka dhacay London. Balse inta laga fuliyey heshiiskaas ayaa aad u kooban.  Shan sano kadib, bishii May 2022, madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ayay labada gole ee baarlamaanka doorte...

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Episode 224 Dancing, Breathing, Present

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - September 19, 2022 04:24 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
On this week’s episode, I acknowledge all the responses I’ve been hearing from listeners who are connecting and reconnecting with their angels. With an increase in the employment of angels, I have a sense that the angels are rejoicing with jubilant dancing! I also share a story where the cal...

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Episode 223 Unemployed Angels

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - September 12, 2022 04:12 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
On this week’s episode, I report feedback from last week’s episode “Asking for Signs” that highlight the synchronicity and comfort that listeners experienced. Asking and receiving signs demonstrates the relational aspect of communication with the spiritual world. Whether it is in our relationsh...

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Episode 222 Asking For Signs

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - September 05, 2022 04:12 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
Asking for signs from the spiritual realm is pretty automatic for me. Sometimes I ask the heavens, God, Mother/Father Source Energy, Divine Love, the angels, my spirit guides, or the spirits of my relatives and friends who have passed. Regardless of who I ask, I have a deep trust that the spiri...

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Episode 221 Continue Soaring

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - August 29, 2022 04:15 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
On this week’s episode I encourage us to continue to soar in the midst of the mundane. I read Alessandra Biaggi’s letter to her supporters after losing in this week’s NY Democratic Primary. Whatever spiritual practices Biaggi uses to rise above the ugly assaults, the frustration and disappointm...

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire artwork

Episode 220 Soaring

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - August 22, 2022 04:08 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
On this week’s episode I invite us to soar in the midst of the mundane. Daily stressors, challenges and difficult circumstances can easily de-rail us and throw us off our center. Let the image of this exquisite soaring bird remind us to be in the physical world, while also being able to step ba...

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Episode 219 Big Fish

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - August 15, 2022 04:18 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
On this week’s episode, I acknowledge the stories we tell ourselves. You know those narratives we create that can be so convincing, we actually believe it wholeheartedly. Well, I have to laugh at myself for the narrative I recently created.  I’m calling this one “Big Fish!” Think of all t...

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Episode 218 Kindness of Strangers

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - August 08, 2022 04:15 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
On this week’s episode I talk about random acts of kindness, the unexpected acts that don’t take much effort but reap sweet rewards. Thoughtfulness and kindness can simultaneously surprise us and nourish us. It is both in the giving and receiving of random acts of kindness that we tap into a bet...

Maamul Wanaag artwork

Raadka uu Talyaaniga ku leeyahay dowladnimada Soomaaliya (Qeybta 2-aad)

Maamul Wanaag - August 06, 2022 11:00 - 34 minutes
Soomaaliya waxa ay Qaramada Midoobay u xilsaartay in ay Maxmiyad/Trusteeship muddo toban sano ah ku heyso dowladda Talyaaniga oo aan markaas xubin ka ahayn Qaramada Midoobay. Muddadii uu Talyaaniga maamulayay Soomaaliya waxa uu qaabeeyay nidaamka dowladnimada Soomaaliya. Qeybtan 2-aad ee wareysi...

Maamul Wanaag artwork

Raadka uu Talyaaniga ku leeyahay dowladnimada Soomaaliya (Qeybta 1-aad)

Maamul Wanaag - July 20, 2022 12:00 - 42 minutes
Soomaaliya waxa ay Qaramada Midoobay u xilsaartay in ay Maxmiyad/Trusteeship muddo toban sano ah ku heyso dowladda Talyaaniga oo aan markaas xubin ka ahayn Qaramada Midoobay. Muddadii uu Talyaaniga maamulayay Soomaaliya waxa uu qaabeeyay nidaamka dowladnimada Soomaaliya. Qeybtan 1-aad ee wareysi...

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Episode 217 Body, Mind & Spirit

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - July 18, 2022 04:30 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
On this week’s episode, I share a simple ritual that I’ve added to my daily meditation practice. After sitting in silence on the top of Hook Mountain, I stand and facing the morning sun, I do 3 half sun salutations: the first honoring my body, the second honoring my mind and the third honoring ...

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Episode 181 Earth Blessing

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - July 17, 2022 18:40 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
This week’s episode is a simple prayer to bless the earth. I share a free form meditation that I say when walking in nature, that focuses on my gratitude for the beauty and wonder of the land, waters and sky. May this accompany you as you walk through the woods, along the river, up the mountain...

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Episode 216 Humbled in Africa

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - July 11, 2022 04:30 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
On this week’s episode, I reflect on the profound images, emotions and precious memories from our incredible 3-week African adventure. From Johannesburg and Capetown we learned of the history and culture of South Africa, both the heartache and the hope, as this country reverberates from the imp...

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Historical Roots and Legacies of Somalia’s Current Governance Systems I Lee Cassanelli & Mahad Wasuge

Maamul Wanaag - July 04, 2022 03:00 - 34 minutes
Somalia’s current institutional structure and governance system is shaped by the pre-colonial and colonial legacies. The British And Italian administrations who administered the Italian Somaliland and British protectorate before the independence in 1960 established systems that are still evident...

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Episode 215 Anna Msowoya Keys, Maloto Founder

Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire - June 27, 2022 04:30 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 45 ratings
I am re-releasing my 2018 conversation with Anna Msowoya Keys, to highlight Anna and the incredible work she continues to do through Maloto, the non-profit, community based program to feed, educate and empower the children and women of Malawi, Africa. The community of Mzuzu, in particular, was ...

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Dhismaha Golaha Wasiirrada Soomaaliya

Maamul Wanaag - June 26, 2022 13:00 - 33 minutes
Labaatankii sano ee ugu dambeysay, madaxweynayaashii dalka waxa ay is khilaafeen raysal wasaarayaashii waxana ay magacaabeen 2-3 raysal wasaare. Xubnaha golaha wasiirrada ee la magacaabayay ayaa sidoo kale tiro ahaan kala duwanaa.  Dhawaan waxaa la doortay Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh. Gole wasiirro...

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