On this week’s episode, I reflect on the profound images, emotions and precious memories from our incredible 3-week African adventure. From Johannesburg and Capetown we learned of the history and culture of South Africa, both the heartache and the hope, as this country reverberates from the impact of apartheid. We then spent 2 weeks immersed in the land, in the magnificent creatures and in the gracious people of Botswana. What strikes me most about our time in Botswana, was my experience of being humbled everyday. Humbled in so many ways.

Humbled by being in the animals territory, where we respectfully witnessed zebras, hippos, elephants, giraffe, antelopes, water buffalo, lions, leopards, wildebeest, warthogs, baboons, hyenas, jackals, and monkeys, all in their natural environment. Humbled by surprise, daily wonders, and awe. Humbled by the birds, that sang to us, soared for us and wowed us. Humbled by the expansive African sunrises and sunsets. Humbled because we practiced how to be present, be quiet, be patient, be still. Humbled by the stripping away of expectations and agendas, grateful to be a gracious guest in each game preserve and national park. Humbled to be a visitor in the wild animals’ land, to watch them roam, sleep, play, roar, saunter and stalk.

May I bring that African humility to my daily life here at home. Enjoy the podcast!

IG: SouthernDestinations