Latest Acrobats Podcast Episodes

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Episode 23 - McKenzie Hates Religion

McKenzie's Podcast - August 28, 2011 07:19 - 1 minute
The sound of the tolling bell invaded McKenzie’s mind. It was seven a.m. on a sunny Sunday morning and the faithful were making their way to early mass. Historically, France is a predominantly Roman Catholic country with a past that is steeped in religiosity far removed from the characte...

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Episode 22 - McKenzie in the Light

McKenzie's Podcast - August 20, 2011 14:46 - 2 minutes
The smell of sulphur and the stench of filth made McKenzie want to retch. It overpowered him; dank, putrid decay, the reek of death. The tortured screaming was at fever-pitch way beyond the capabilities of anything human. Involuntarily, McKenzie let out a scream himself. It came from som...

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Episode 21 - McKenzie Plunges into Darkness

McKenzie's Podcast - August 13, 2011 13:20 - 1 minute
McKenzie was spiralling backwards, falling into empty darkness. He felt helpless; unable to coordinate his movements; unable to think straight. What was happening to him? He had no idea. He reached out desperately trying to catch hold of something, anything to stop him falling. He caught...

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Episode 20 - McKenzie and the Smell

McKenzie's Podcast - August 07, 2011 10:04 - 1 minute
It was the smell that first caught McKenzie’s attention. It transported him back to a time when he lived in Kisumu, Kenya. He was six years old. His family lived in the security of the military compound where his father had been unexpectedly stationed. McKenzie made friends quickly with ...

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Episode 19 - McKenzie Feels Vulnerable

McKenzie's Podcast - July 29, 2011 15:55 - 2 minutes
To say Sanjid’s house was shabby was a gross misunderstatement. The ancient outer edifice was crumbling and so too were the walls inside. It was highly unlikely that the windows had ever been cleaned. The threadbare linen draped over them, although once vibrant with colour, was now sun-b...

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Episode 18 - McKenzie's Edge

McKenzie's Podcast - July 02, 2011 12:16 - 1 minute
McKenzie’s Edge During his time of self-imposed isolation, McKenzie had exercised less and eaten more. He had gained a few extra pounds. Not so much that anyone would notice, anyone that is, except McKenzie. McKenzie felt that he had lost his edge. His mind was less sharp and his reactio...

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Episode 17 - McKenzie Looks for a Connection

McKenzie's Podcast - June 25, 2011 09:54 - 2 minutes
McKenzie Looks for a Connection McKenzie found himself at church. It was somewhere in middle England at the beginning of spring. With new life bursting out all around him, it seemed like an excellent time to make a God connection in the hope of getting things off to a good start after hi...

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Episode 16 - McKenzie Comes Out of Hibernation

McKenzie's Podcast - June 18, 2011 09:16 - 1 minute
McKenzie comes out of Hibernation McKenzie caught his reflection in a shop window. He couldn’t believe what he saw. He looked like someone who had been isolated, hidden high on a mountain or deep in a jungle or lost in a desert. His eyes stared and darted everywhere trying to make sense ...

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Episode 15 - McKenzie Finds Hope

McKenzie's Podcast - June 11, 2011 06:28 - 1 minute
McKenzie Finds Hope McKenzie scanned the parched desert landscape expecting to see nothing but, hoping that he would see something or someone, some kind of life, anything. As his trained eyes journeyed slowly through the bleak, arid, inhospitable terrain, he stopped to look again at a sp...

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Episode 14 - McKenzie Gets Cooked

McKenzie's Podcast - June 03, 2011 09:22 - 1 minute
McKenzie Gets Cooked The wind died away leaving McKenzie sitting in the merciless inferno of airless sunshine. He felt like a piece of meat tossed on a barbeque griddle as he began to cook in the unrelenting heat. He focussed his mind and tried to find a place inside his head where he co...

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Episode 13 - McKenzie on the Run

McKenzie's Podcast - May 20, 2011 11:58 - 2 minutes
McKenzie on the Run McKenzie grew increasingly more impatient as he waited for Maria to show. It was now well past their pre-arranged rendezvous time. Maybe their plot had been discovered. If so, it was inevitable that Don Pedro’s henchmen would extract all the details from her and they ...

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Episode 12 - McKenzie’s Reality Check

McKenzie's Podcast - May 12, 2011 17:29 - 1 minute
McKenzie’s Reality Check It started as a tiny speckle in the far, far distance, in the macro-space behind McKenzie’s eyes. Sitting in his recliner easy-chair soaking up the sunshine through the window of his bedroom, he almost purred like a pussy-cat. McKenzie inclined his head towards t...

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Episode 11 - McKenzie Meets His Past

McKenzie's Podcast - May 08, 2011 11:06 - 2 minutes
McKenzie Meets His Past His mp4 player was out of juice, so McKenzie tuned into the noise that surrounded him. He zoned-into private conversations until he found something that interested him. He was back in Scotland, in Glasgow, in a massive shopping mall that had sprung-up from nowhere...

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Episode 10 - McKenzie and the Mercedes

McKenzie's Podcast - April 29, 2011 14:31 - 1 minute
McKenzie waited anxiously for Maria to show. They had meticulously planned this meeting before she helped him to escape from ‘La Dama de la Noche’. Maria had decided to go to her father in Sao Paulo Brazil. Together with McKenzie, they had staged his escape and arranged a rendezvous in M...

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Episode 9 - McKenzie Gets High

McKenzie's Podcast - April 23, 2011 08:30 - 1 minute
The air at such altitude, in the foothills of the Himalayas, was incredibly thin and dry making it impossible to sweat despite the scorching heat. McKenzie’s blood pressure was far too high causing his face to flush like a beetroot. His pulse was beating so hard that he thought his head ...

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Episode 8 - McKenzie is Amazed

McKenzie's Podcast - March 19, 2011 11:37 - 3 minutes
McKenzie is Amazed As quickly as she had entered, Maria left the room, having caused relatively little damage. McKenzie was confused and wondered what was going on. Was this part of a physiological ploy to intimidate him? Before McKenzie had a chance to work it all out, the cabin door sw...

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Episode 7 - McKenzie and the Digital Age

McKenzie's Podcast - March 10, 2011 12:21 - 1 minute
McKenzie and the Digital Age McKenzie was taken aback when the preacher walked up to the pulpit and said, “Please do not turn off your mobile phones. Leave them on and start texting and posting messages of what happens here to your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Attach photos and video...

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Episode 6 - McKenzie is Spared

McKenzie's Podcast - February 26, 2011 12:48 - 2 minutes
McKenzie is Spared Condensation stuck to the window like mist on a Scottish mountain. However, McKenzie was not in Scotland, The Land of his Fathers, he was in South East Asia, Myanmar to be precise, Mandalay City to be very precise. A drop of water left its trail and through the window ...

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Episode 5: McKenzie Sub-Plot

McKenzie's Podcast - February 22, 2011 14:53 - 2 minutes
Miguel radioed ahead informing the Coastguard and the Guardia Civil of his surprise catch. Before he reached the beautiful La Carihuela beach, he could see that is was packed with emergency service vehicles and, of course, the press. Miguel ordered his small crew to unload the fish whil...

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Episode 4 - McKenzie Gets the Point

McKenzie's Podcast - February 17, 2011 11:04 - 2 minutes
By the time McKenzie heard the key unlock the cabin door, he had manoeuvred himself into a sitting position on the floor with his back against the wall. At least that way he would see what was coming. To his surprise, it was Maria who entered unaccompanied. McKenzie looked her up and dow...

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Episode 3 - McKenzie is Captured

McKenzie's Podcast - February 07, 2011 17:38 - 2 minutes
Bubbles broke the surface then drifted away on the ebb tide as the weighted body sank silently out of sight to the Mediterranean Sea bed forty metres below. Back on the shore in La Carihuela, Miguel and his crew prepared their nets for a full night’s fishing…. McKenzie sat gagged and bou...

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Episode 2 - McKenzie Visits the Fourth Dimension

McKenzie's Podcast - January 28, 2011 16:25 - 2 minutes
McKenzie found himself caught-up in worship. He had begun to pray in a spontaneous way, but before long, joy and excitement began to well up inside him. All at once it spilled out his mouth in a cascade of words that were not his own. McKenzie had heard about this and he had read about ...

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Episode 1 - McKenzie Listens Hard

McKenzie's Podcast - January 20, 2011 15:32 - 3 minutes
McKenzie sat sipping his piping-hot mint tea. There wasn’t too much tea in the small chunky tumbler on account of it being crammed full of fresh mint leaves and far too much sugar. He sat at a wobbly table surrounded by a variety of leathery faced, deeply browned and near toothless men w...

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