McKenzie found himself caught-up in worship. He had begun to pray in a spontaneous way, but before long, joy and excitement began to well up inside him. All at once it spilled out his mouth in a cascade of words that were not his own.

McKenzie had heard about this and he had read about it. It was even mentioned in the bible. The words came from deep inside him yet McKenzie began to have an understanding of what he was saying. He began to pray with the same effervescent joy in his own language, English.

As McKenzie continued to pray in and out of his new language and his own native language, his spirit soared within him. He was transported to another place.

His own voice was no longer his focus of attention. Now, his focus shifted to Jesus, and as he continued he began to see Him in glorious detail. McKenzie’s heart pounded and he was alive with tingling joy. Details began to appear; Jesus was smiling, His eyes were ablaze with deep passion and immense love.

What was happening was real but it was also supernatural. As if McKenzie was experiencing it in another dimension, a fourth dimension. For as long as this time lasted McKenzie was with Jesus; locked in an intimate encounter.

As this experience of true worship came to an end, (after how long he had no idea), McKenzie became aware of his familiar surroundings. He felt exhilarated, overwhelmed, very privileged and blessed….

Romans 8:26……We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

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