By the time McKenzie heard the key unlock the cabin door, he had manoeuvred himself into a sitting position on the floor with his back against the wall. At least that way he would see what was coming.
To his surprise, it was Maria who entered unaccompanied. McKenzie looked her up and down. As usual, she was impeccably dressed with not even a hair out of place. Her dark eyes locked onto McKenzie’s upturned face. He could detect no obvious signs of emotion other than absolute self confidence. She glided over to McKenzie and asked herself out loud, “What are we going to do with you?”
McKenzie, still gagged and bound, looked into Maria’s face. She stooped, grabbed a corner of the duct tape that was over his mouth and gave it a good tug. McKenzie was now able to talk.
“Thank you”, he said with a hint of cynicism while contorting his mouth and jaw.
“You’re welcome”, Maria responded with obvious sarcasm. “I want to hear you when you scream”.
McKenzie was defenceless. His wrists were tied behind his back and his ankles bound together. Maria carefully positioned her expensively clad foot on McKenzie’s groin and began pushing her pencil-thin stiletto into his crotch.
Maria’s face broke into a crimson lip-gloss smile. “This will be such fun”, she chuckled with perverse pleasure…..
As Miguel and his fishermen winched their nets back towards the boat they knew that their catch was big. Their nets were heavy but as they broke the surface they all stared horrified. There among the silvery sardines was a dead body, or at least what was left after the sharks had finished….
Luke 5:4…..When he had finished speaking, Jesus said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”
To learn more about this bible passage, please go to: