McKenzie and the Digital Age
McKenzie was taken aback when the preacher walked up to the pulpit and said, “Please do not turn off your mobile phones. Leave them on and start texting and posting messages of what happens here to your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Attach photos and videos by all means.”
Almost immediately, mobile phones being held aloft began flashing. Others were slowly moving as they panned the preacher and the congregation. “Be sure to invite the people you contact to come along to this meeting, if they can,” said the preacher.
Before long, a stream of social network ‘friends’ began to stream into the meeting. Far from being distracting, the buzz was electrifying. The church was alive, the congregation was active and the preacher was animated. Something was going on everywhere.
All over the world, people were talking about the meeting that McKenzie was attending. As social networkers began to respond about what was happening in their own congregations, their home groups, whatever they were doing. Laughter and excited conversations began to ripple around the church.
Multimedia screens around the walls of the building began to relay images of the in-house meeting and of other meetings taking place at the same time all over the world. People, Christians and non-Christians, were uploading and broadcasting instantaneously. Churches online were showing what was being uploaded on their IP TVs and from a battery of multimedia projectors connected to laptops.....
The revelation hit McKenzie like a slap on the head; this was church and he loved it.
Revelation 1:7a……“Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him…”
For more explanation about this bible verse please follow this link to ‘Every Eye Will See’: