Most of us feel that our life is like a fragile boat floating on the wild ocean. All kinds of unexpected currents arise, threatening our stability. From out of nowhere high tide comes, or perhaps a rip tide. A sunny sky turns cloudy in a moment and thunder storms can be right behind. It is difficult to experience a sense of stability and safety when we imagine our lives to be like that. When we think we are at the mercy of greater forces that can attack from out of nowhere. When we focus upon that which is transitory, upon the passing show of life, when we believe that is who we are, we are always subject to fluctuations and feel out of control. But when we undertake the practice of Zen, we return to our essential selves, which cannot be rocked around. We return to that which is not affected by the endless changes of life, and which can bring clarity, light and the warmth of love to all our experiences. Then even one sip of delicious tea delights and fills us completely.