The answer to being free of suffering is right in front of our face. It's so easy to do, and is really all that is needed. The answer arises from our endless need to always have something else, something different. What we have or receive in life, moment by moment is never quite right. It's not enough. Has to be fixed. We spend most of our precious time looking for something else, going around and around on the merry go round, trying to grab the golden ring. But the golden ring is right here, every moment and person that comes to us, just as it is. We don't have to look somewhere else. Whatever arises, realize that you do not need something else. Just be with what comes one hundred per cent... (including yourself).. Honor it, accept it. Stop rejecting yourself and your experience.. And then it will go its way and the next moment will appear. You'll actually have a wonderful time all day long then, no matter what arises. You'll suddenly see the harmony and connection between'll realize that there is no need to fight off or control each moment.  Instead you can truly make friends with all of life.