We all wear masks, costumes and cling to the identity we are creating as if it's who we actually are.  What we do not realize is that these masks not only close the world out, but also imprison us behind them. Then we wonder why we feel so alone, or disconnected. But as soon as we begin to take the mask and costumes off, realize it's not who's really living inside, Then a beautiful freedom begins to come.  Not only freedom, but a sense of belonging and connection to all of life. Zen practice is entirely about slowly taking off our masks and costumes, or when we're wearing them, realizing it's just a play we're in. When we realize we're simply playing a part in an emormous play, and do not identify with the role we're playing, so much entanglement and pain dissolves.  We can even enjoy things just as they are, as we stay in touch with the Real One who's living within.  Clarity and enjoyment arises as we get in touch with the wonderful being who's right there, just behind our costumes. And, as we do, we never can feel separated or alone.