Many feel that love is scarce, and it must be sought, earned or fought for. Not only that, it can be lost in the blink of an eye.. They may hide from love, feeling it is painful, and the price is too high to pay. However, this has nothing to do with love at all. If it hurts, or is scarce, it is not real love. What you are up against then,  is Counterfeit Love,  It's crucial to know the difference. Real love is abundantly available, flows to all, is the  Unshakeable ground of our lives. We do not need to find the Perfect Person, or even change anyone at all.  The love we are seeking is right within ourselves, when we change the way we view our relationships, how we respond to others.  The very search to get love from another, to have them meet your needs is what keeps it from you. Instead, turn around and find ways to give love, to uplift, without looking for something in return. The greatest return you can ever have, is the wonderful experience of love you will be filled with..  You will stop using others to meet your needs then, and instead encounter the  fundamental beauty and warmth of all. (From The Unshakeable Road to Love);