01:05 – Introducing today’s guest, Linda Ugelow

01:37 – Linda speaks to the work she does in performance and empowerment

03:05 – Linda’s background in the performing arts

05:54 – For the love of dance

07:43 – Linda’s career evolution

09:55 – Why Linda considers herself a second-tier early adopter

11:58 – Linda reflects on the genesis of her fears

14:52 – The variety of ways Linda works with clients

15:30 – Working with clients in-person vs. online

16:54 – The most common client issues Linda encounters

19:28 – How Linda works with creative outside-the-box entrepreneurs

21:18 – Linda’s perspective on business building

22:58 – How Linda defines success

24:15 – What Zen Money means to Linda

25:11 – Linda talks about her upcoming book

25:57 – Takeaways Linda wants the audience to know

28:01 – Linda announces a free guided confidence meditation for listeners

Sound Bites:

• “I want people to get to a place where they’re not being held back by fear. Not because they’re pushing through it, but because there isn’t anything to push through.” (02:17)

• “When I got to Day 75, it just dawned on me, ‘This is ridiculous. Practice is not a kind of panacea for fear!’” (11:00)

• “I didn’t feel safe in front of the camera or an audience because there was part of me that remembers it was dangerous to be put in the center of attention in that way.” (13:22)

• “When you are an entrepreneur you need to take a stand on what you believe.” (17:24)

• “As I go into any kind of new venture, I have the tools, and the capacity, and the openness and freedom to accept where I am.” (22:36)

• “Zen Money is a sense of equilibrium and balance. It’s not a static place but it’s more like a dance or an interaction where we find our sense of relationship that is unclouded by our past.” (24:37)

About Linda:

Linda Ugelow is a speaker and presentation confidence coach who helps people liberate themselves from the fear of being seen whether it’s on stage, on camera, in the media or the meeting room. Through private and group workshops on and offline, she helps both new and seasoned experts step into their most charismatic and natural selves so they can make the impact they dream of.

She's the producer and host of the TV show Women Inspired and was host/emcee at the TEDx Debrecen University in Hungary. Her upcoming book Delight in the Limelight is due out in the spring of 2020.

To learn more about Linda's work, follow her on Linked In or visit her website: www.lindaugelow.com

Links Mentioned:

Confidence Meditation – https://www.lindaugelow.com/speakingconfidence/

Zen Money Financial Quiz – https://www.zenmoneymap.com/moneystyle