00:54 – Introducing today’s guest, Khierstyn Ross

01:26 – Khierstyn’s background in launching products to market

03:17 – How Khierstyn got into entrepreneurship early on

06:58 – Khierstyn’s foray into the product-based world

11:05 – The misconception of bringing product to market

11:51 – Khierstyn reflects on a recent interview from her podcast

15:18 – How Khierstyn works with her clients

17:07 – The shift from an agency model to a training model

21:55 – Leveraging group coaching & educational services

24:31 – Potential drawbacks of the consulting model

28:01 – Managing unrealistic client expectations

31:06 – Issues Khierstyn has encountered running her business

32:54 – What Zen Money™ means to Khierstyn

34:20 – Takeaways Khierstyn wants listeners to know

35:03 – Where listeners can find Khierstyn

Sound Bites:

• “Helping someone take a product from zero to Kickstarter is very, very similar to launching a painting company; you need to have a certain financial goal you’re going after. You need to have a certain road map.” (06:33)

• “I give people a system and a process for identifying who their customers are.” (15:59)

• “I want to be able to work one-on-one with projects I fall in love with.” (20:51)

• “Agency model you can probably do twenty to forty percent profit if you’re really, really good. But leverage group coaching you’re looking at more of the forty to seventy percent profit after marketing costs.” (22:35)

• “Zen Money means no stress finances. And, no stress finances, to me, means that I just know that that part of my life is growing, it’s being managed well, and I actually feel a little financially literate.” (33:49)

About Khierstyn:

Khierstyn is a digital marketing consultant who helps entrepreneurs launch and scale their physical product businesses. She's built a reputation for wildly successful crowdfunding launches, having raised more than $3M for her clients, has an impressive track record. Reach out and request a free strategy session today by going to www.khierstyn.com/schedule.

Links Mentioned:

Khierstyn’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/khierstyn/

Khierstyn’s Website – https://khierstyn.com/

Khierstyn’s Podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/launch-and-scale/id1465155308

Zen Money Financial Quiz – https://www.zenmoneymap.com/moneystyle

Zen Money Website – https://www.zenmoneymap.com/

Sam Ovens Website – https://www.consulting.com/sam-ovens