00:52 – Introducing today’s guest, Dr. Angela Lauria

02:07 – Angela’s mission: focusing on business growth

03:01 – Angela talks about working at a tech company prior to starting her business

04:57 – The catalyst to start her own business

08:48 – Early struggles of starting a business

09:44 – The transition to entrepreneurship

15:28 – The difficulties of replacing salary in a business

18:15 – Angela’s personal trainer story

20:50 – Angela’s endgame for her business

22:59 – How Angela mastered the art of planning

23:59 – Angela talks about scaling her business

33:13 – Letting go and transitioning out of the business

37:32 – The importance of delegating as a business owner

41:35 – The White Tape Story

43:42 – Design Thinking

44:39 – What Zen Money means to Angela

49:27 – Angela talks about the importance of having vision

53:53 – Takeaways Angela wants the audience to know

59:17 – Mother Theresa’s money mindset

Sound Bites:

• “I remember saying, ‘It’s irresponsible for me to leave a good paying corporate job, as a single mom, to take a risk of starting a business.’” (04:46)

• “So, it turns out two hundred thousand dollars in salary is different than two hundred thousand dollars in company revenue. That was very sad news for me.” (15:44)

• “I feel like with information businesses, you have to be willing to give up control.” (27:18)

• “It’s sort of like if you’re a parent and your kid lives with you for their whole life. They can live a good life, but you haven’t really launched your child.” (31:08)

• “My goal is to build a solid, stable, tremendously cash flowing business, with sanity, that will get me to five million dollars in wealth in four years so that I can retire.” (45:01)

• “All that money does is buy you choices.” (47:23)

• “If you’re trying to get to a quarter of a million, there’s one thing I think you need: stable, steady, repeatable lead flow. And you must learn how to invest in steady, stable, repeatable lead flow.” (54:05)

About Dr. Angela:

Dr. Angela E. Lauria is the founder of The Author Incubator™ and creator of the Difference Process™ for writing a book that matters. In 2018, The Author Incubator was ranked #275 on the Inc. 500 fastest growing companies and #87 on Entrepreneur Magazine’s Entrepreneur 360. Dr. Angela won the Coach/Mentor of the Year Award and her program, The Author’s Way was named Coaching Program of the Year by the Stevie Awards. Dr. Angela was also named, by E&Y as a finalist for Entrepreneur of the Year and Entrepreneur Magazine, named her one of the top 10 most inspiring entrepreneurs because of her compelling journey.

To learn more about Dr. Angela's work and The Author Incubator, visit www.theauthorincubator.com. You can also follow her on Instagram here: @authorincubator.

Fun Free Stuff

Check out these resources we discussed in this episode:

Quarter Million Book Training: www.quartermillionbook.com - Want to build a business and make a difference? This training will show you how to leverage a book with a profitable, long-term plan.

#ZenMoneyMap: www.zenmoneymap.com/moneystyle - Learn your Zen Money Financial Archetype and start levering your unique money style to your advantage with quick wins today!

Links Mentioned:

Angela’s Website – https://www.theauthorincubator.com/

Zen Money Website – https://www.zenmoneymap.com/?r_done=1

Angela’s Books:

If I'm So Smart, Why Can't I Be Happy

Make 'Em Beg to Be Your Client: The Nonfiction Authors’ Guide to Selling, Serving and Funding a Movement

The Incubated Author: 10 Steps to Start a Movement with Your Message

The Difference: 10 Steps To Writing A Book That Matters

Make 'Em Beg to Publish Your Book: How To Reach A Larger Audience & Make A Full-Time Income In The Extremely Overcrowded World of Personal Development