00:58 – Introducing today’s guest, Sumi Krishnan

01:32 – Sumi shares the multiple transitions she has gone through over the past year

03:17 – The genesis of Sumi’s first multi-million-dollar business

07:35 – Having a mentality that anything is possible

10:38 – Sumi talks about continually refining her approach

13:08 – The desire to become a singer/songwriter and performer

17:06 – The importance of being passionate about what you do

22:17 – Sumi’s Love Revolution

26:52 – Where listeners can connect with Sumi

Sound Bites:

“For me, what I’ve noticed is that really the only thing that’s determined whether or not I was able to succeed is how much I actually believed in it and how much I actually wanted it.” (04:13)

“What’s always been in me, sort of through my blood, in my DNA, in my bones, was this desire to sing…to really be a songwriter and performer.” (13:51)

“Hard work is necessary, but it won’t feel hard when it’s in alignment.” (19:32)

“We’re so in our heads about how are we going to personally be successful, that we forget we might not even have clean air to breathe or clean water to drink if we don’t get our little heads out of our asses.” (23:49)

About Sumi:

Sumi Krishnan is most widely known for founding and growing K4 Solutions, Inc. -- a multi-million dollar government contracting company she started in college. After growing a team of more than 200 people and serving large public programs from TSA to Medicare, last year Sumi graduated from Harvard with her Masters in Public Administration. In 2019, she officially stepped down as President of K4 to pursue the dream she’s carried with her since she was a little girl: to make music & perform. Now located in Nashville, TN, Sumi is pursuing her love of singing and songwriting through the Love Revolution, a socially conscious community of people who are doing what they love, embodying love, and waging love for a better world.

To learn more about Sumi's new projects, you can follow her @sumikrishnan on Instagram.

Links Mentioned:

Sumi’s Website – https://www.sumikrishnan.com/

Zen Money Financial Quiz – https://www.zenmoneymap.com/moneystyle

Zen Money Website – https://www.zenmoneymap.com