00:59 – Introducing today’s guests, Rachel & Kyle Wright

01:49 – Rachel and Kyle explain the genesis of their business

04:01 – Early feedback from Rachel and Kyle’s business decisions

06:06 – How Rachel and Kyle navigate their unique niche

07:59 – Rachel breaks down how the Wright Wellness Center works

10:20 – Rachel and Kyle discuss their differing views on becoming entrepreneurs

13:23 – The biggest hurdle to building a business with your significant other

15:45 – How Rachel and Kyle handle finances within their business

19:38 – Kyle discusses the idea of up-leveling

21:44 – How Rachel and Kyle make business decisions together

25:25 – Compartmentalizing business and personal lives

26:49 – Rachel and Kyle speak to what they have done well as business owners

29:39 – Rachel opens up about her struggles with anxiety

30:32 – The biggest surprises Rachel and Kyle discovered from working with each other

34:27 – How Rachel and Kyle divvy their workload

36:26 – What Zen Money means to Rachel and Kyle

37:42 – One takeaway Rachel and Kyle want the audience to know

39:52 – Rachel and Kyle announce a special offer


• “There’s nothing out there between buying a book and going to therapy.” (03:09)

• “That’s part of what we’re trying to do is change the way that we think about relationships, sex, and mental health as a culture.” (05:52)

• “I would say when something breaks, we tend to look for a slightly better version of it. That’s always been a pretty good process for us in business.” (23:44)

• “Smartphones can be so annoying for so many different things. But the one thing that they’re amazing at is holding our data and our information.” (25:35)

• “We’ve really just stayed us.” (28:48)

• “It’s easy to complain. It’s really hard to change something.” (32:26)

• “I tell my clients all the time that if you talked to other people in your life the way you talk to yourself, you would have no friends.” (38:03)

Links Mentioned:

Rachel & Kyle’s Website – https://wrightwellnesscenter.com/

Link to the WWC Family Meeting Toolkit – https://wrightwellnesscenter.com/family-meeting-2/

Zen Money Website – https://www.zenmoneymap.com/