#0019 😃Welcome to another episode of Your Purposeful Purpose Podcast😃

On today's episode, we have a strong convention about when to grind and when to rest. My goal today is getting you to a place where life starts taking care of you, and you're not being pulled along by life. 

When you start living within your purpose 

There’s a lot of work that must be done. But no worries, that's what this podcast is for. So what does this have to do with planting and harvesting? Well, there will be a time where you dive off a certain cliff into your mind. The day you comment to yourself you will start the most important work of your life. Your season of planing begins. 

Hear me when I say this isn't your ordinary nine-to-five. Your spirit will wake up, you will be ignited and life will change forever.

Again you still might be wondering what this has to do with planting and harvesting. 

The work that's required of you will be long and hard but there's somewhat of an endpoint; more of less your middle-ground, which will be your resting point. That's when you reap the benefit from all of your hard work, and life starts taking care of you. 

Once you have a clear understanding of the game of life you become the chess player and not the pawn.

Your life comes in seasons there are certain times when you must work and there are times where you rest and you reap the benefits. My question to you is what's life giving you at this present moment?  


Be willing to dive In. 

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