Next Episode: Decision Fatigue

#0012 On this episode we talk about trans-formative exposure. 

Beyond having our vision in full view. There’s nothing more important than reinforcing your heart and mind. You may be asking yourself what does Rob mean?? Well, this crazy road we’re on together heading towards Self-Mastery Isn’t perfect (there’s no such thing). 

Uncertainty, doubt, and fear among other things will have a tendency to tag along. They’re amazing at keeping us stagnant.

Protecting the gateways to your emotions (mind and heart) 

is crucial to your success. 

Having the ability to see the different stages within your vision will set you apart and ahead from the rest. That’s what we’re after.

Becoming successful in all areas of life, you deem important should be priority number 1.

However, understand obstacles and roadblocks are inevitable. 

We have to fight to keep ourselves emotionally fit.

Letting your guard down and not protecting the gates to your emotions will lead you down a path of failure. 

Building anything worth putting your name on will come with adversity.

The key.... The magic of keeping you mentally fit comes 

down to trans-formative exposure.

On this episode, I give you the magic bullet that will shoot you directly to the top, but you have to fight for it.

Ture motivation and inspiration starts at the roots of your soul. They can and will last a lifetime if you’re willing to put yourself in a position to receive it. We have to focus on transformation, the rest will follow.

The episode is broken up into parts 3:

Protecting yourself.Physically seeing the vision.Reinforcing the vision.


 Make a vision board. Seek out transformative exposure.


Fight against your old beliefs and sake up the world for.

Rob Wells-

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We focus on mental, physical and spiritual wins every day.