Day: 061

Date: Sunday, Mar. 01, 2020

Topic: People for Certain Seasons

Note from Aimee J.: Hold on tight to some and let go of others. It will be okay.

Action: Listen I am all reflecting on your life. You should know that by now. Today, I want you to reflect on the people in your life. Some people come and go out of your life like silent ninjas. Others stay in your life and make their presence known. What I want you to ask yourself is, are they a positive presence? It isn’t uncommon for you to answer that question with a no for some people, maybe even some family members. People who are verbally, emotionally, and especially physically abusive to you have got to go. It won’t be easy, but at the end of the day, you have to do what is best for you and your mental health.

The other thing you need to do is acknowledge that relationships change. Some friends who you were super close to in high school or college, you may not be as close to ten years later. And that is okay. The important thing is to recognize that. Then there are those who come in and become your new best friends. People come in and go out of our lives like the seasons and if we’re lucky we have a few sticking around for multiple seasons. That’s how life works.


You are Awesome.
You are Loved.
You are Needed. And most importantly,

Resources & Links:

Your Personal Hype Man ; Alexa Skill: Your Personal Hype Man ; Your Personal Hype Man on iTunes Chasing Dreams with Aimee J.

Let’s Connect:

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Remember: Don’t Stop, Keep Chasing!  =)

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