The power of real estate is undeniable. It sets people up for wealth, it has created more millionaires than any other industry, and you don’t have to do much to succeed as an investor. 

The problem is, most real estate agents are so focused on the sale that they miss all these opportunities. The major focus of this industry is serving the consumer, and an agent can spend a lifetime making other people wealthy while surviving on commissions with no retirement or chance at generational wealth.  

We’re around houses all the time but 95% of real estate professionals have never invested in property themselves. This doesn’t just harm us, but it also hampers our ability to truly solve problems for consumers. Real estate today is a lot like a choose your own adventure book, consumers can choose the path to take when selling a home based on the problem they want to solve. From rentals and pulling out equity to grow multiple assets simultaneously to creative financing, there are many ways to go about a transaction. If we’re showing up with the traditional listing as the only solution, the consumer is missing out big time. On the other hand, if we become the resource with all the options, we’re more valuable to the consumer and also to ourselves. 

My guest Steve Valentine’s passion and mission is advocating for looking beyond a traditional listing and getting agents to wake up to the opportunities right under their noses. In this episode, he shares how this passion came about and how he built a $50 million portfolio as an agent. 

Guest Bio 

Steve is a real estate investor, strategist and mentor. Once a traditional real estate agent focused on transactions, GCI, and his "competition," he discovered the secret to a happy career and happy clients. His life, family and career changed forever when HE STOPPED SELLING AND STARTED SOLVING!

With more than 20 years of real estate experience, he’s fanatical about handcrafting the right strategy for each client using his toolbox of absurdly effective techniques. He’s more super-hero when it comes to investing in real estate and in his relationships with clients, employees, and family. He out-right refused financial ruin to build a retirement-sustaining real estate portfolio of more than $15 million in value. A portfolio that is so diverse and has been so fun to create, he’s educating others to do the same. In the past 5 years Steve has created a real estate business that encompasses all of today’s top strategies including traditional real estate, flipping homes, buying off market opportunities, building wealth for himself, his team, and his clients. 

For more information, head to and follow @iamstevedvalentine on Instagram.