Learn about how you can overturn your "brain fart" or forgetfulness and brain fog! There are a lot of helpful things we can do to protect our cognitive health. Believe it or not, the brain is composed of about half and half fat and water! Getting enough healthy fats in the diet will help nourish the brain - think things like olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds, and of course, omega-3 fats at least twice a week from seafood, ground flaxseed and chia seeds.    

Staying hydrated will also lubricate the brain and help it function properly. In the last few years, there has also been research on how excess sugars can "gunk up" the brain, and may contribute to the development of dementia.Focusing on building a plate with mostly proteins with healthy fats, vegetables and whole grains, limiting sugary drinks and treats to once or twice a week, and drinking at least 8 cups of fluids daily can help keep up brain health. There is also a lot of research that promotes the role of low-impact exercise & doing puzzles (think crosswords, sudoku, etc) on brain health.

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Tools for Vitality: Therapy, Coaching, Optimizing Nutrition and Movement for Mental Wellness