Hear here how we can enhance our mental wellness through our food intake. And thereby create our ability for using our voice and shaping our sanity!
The foods we eat influence how we feel about ourselves, our mood, our anxiety, and how we can with the food we eat enhance the body's  function to heal itself.  The foods we eat create chemicals that help us regulate our mood. 
You don't need to become a chef or shop in a very expensive supermarket. By paying attention to our nutrition, it helps us to support our mental well being. So this one is not giving you nutrition advice, because I'm not a nutritionist. I just want to inspire you to look for these small ways of being that you can totally use every day. And with every day that you practice them, you are making a significant influence and a positive impact on your way of being and feeling and even like your body's ability to heal itself. 
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What are your questions about your mental wellness, tools for vitality, or any other topic that comes up for you?

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Tools for Vitality: Therapy, Coaching, Optimizing Nutrition and Movement for Mental Wellness