Season 4 of the She2.0 podcast has sprung!  In the past 3 seasons we were really focused on symptoms, treatments, and options and while we’ll continue to stay on top of that, we are also going to start talking more about critical issues such as accessibility and lack of awareness and education have been huge issues for women going through this critical stage.  

In our upcoming season, we’re starting to work towards helping women understand that how to ‘buyer beware’ because we are a highly targeted market by brands and advertisers. We’ll be addressing affordability and we’re going to be challenging some current regulations by asking a lot of deep questions.


Some of the topics you can look forward to:

Buyer beware: Personal devices and other menopause related products. What you need to know, red flags to look for and questions you should be asking before you purchase.

Skin deep: How does our skin change through menopause and what treatments can help? Which ones are safe and which ones should you avoid?

Menopause and ethnicity: Did you know that women in different ethnicities experience menopause differently both physically and culturally? We’re exploring menopause around the world.

6 questions you should be asking your doctor and your doctor should be asking you.

Inside out – getting up close and personal with your vagina (because we haven’t said the word ‘vagina’ enough in the past 2.5 years!)


So tune in!