Previous Episode: Season 4 has sprung!

When you’re having a hot flash, memory loss or sleepless nights does it ever feel like no one is listening? You’re not alone. And partly because in the past, no one WAS listening.

That might be because treating hormones can feel dangerous to doctors. Many don't have a lot of training in this area.  Lack of menopausal care is a huge disservice to women but let’s shed a little light as to why that might be.

We’re talking to Dr. Susan Goldstein, MD CCFP FCFP NCMP is a Toronto based family physician and GP Psychotherapist with a special interest in women’s health and menopause, Certified menopause practitioner and elected board member of the Canadian Menopause Society.  Not only does she answer our questions and address our frustrations with the gaps in our healthcare, but Dr. Goldstein also has the inside track on studies and changes that are on the horizon and will help all of us to feel more acknowledged and taken care of.

She also shares 6 questions every woman should ask her doctor.Tune in!