I’ve had a lot of guests on this podcast and every one of them has taught me something new about cannabis. Today I’m bringing on a guest who is a little more like me. Leah Rumack is a content creator and to me, that’s exciting because I know that means SHE knows what the conversations are that are happening around cannabis and how brands are connecting with consumers.

But more importantly - back to the conversations out there! Have attitudes changed about using cannabis? Prescribing cannabis? Accepting cannabis? Are all Mom groups the same when it comes to their perception, tolerance and judgement of cannabis? So, from content creator to content creator (except one of us can say ‘award-winning’!), we talk about creating content in this tightly regulated but exciting space.

Leah is an award-winning content creator who has worked on countless brands across Canada including FASHION, The Kit, Elle, Chatelaine, Refinery29, The Globe and Mail, Today’s Parent, Toronto Life, Flare, Reader’s Digest, Now, The Goods and the National Post. 

She’s written and edited stories and scripts on everything from anarchists and Chanel to breastfeeding and crafts and is the co-creator of Pioneer Girl, a television comedy series that was selected for the Women In Film & Television 2019 digital series incubator.