Thank you for joining me on this episode about grief, both through death, and through the breakup of friendships and relationships. I wanted to share with you my experiences of loss, along with some of my tips and ideas for how to manage your grief, during times of bereavement or loss.


I want you to remember that WHATEVER / WHOEVER you’re grieving, it’s OKAY. There is no loss too small that it isn’t legitimate to grieve it.


1-5: Introduction to today’s topic of grief

5-20: My own experiences with different types of loss and grief, including a recent experience with being rejected by a member of my family.

20-25: Different things we can grieve for. Why it’s not about the who/what, the loss is but about the feeling that we experience.

25-32: Anticipatory grief, for example in terminal illness, as I’ve experienced it.

32-35 : My tips on managing terminal illness with a loved one.

35- 37: Finding acceptance around grief, whether through death or other types of loss.

37-40: Losing friends or partners in relationship and friendship breakups.

40-41: Quote of the episode.

41-44: The potential benefits of saying goodbye to certain people who leave our lives. The positive power of breaking up with someone.

44-47: The four key tenets of moving on from someone.

47-54: How we can move on from losses, deaths, and dealing with first celebrations without someone we love and have lost. My tips on things that have helped me move forward.

54-60: Steps for emotional and physical self care: how we can help ourselves move forwards through self growth and nurturing ourselves.

60-65: Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’s ‘Five Stages of Grief’, and how the model has been misinterpreted as to whose emotional stages it was based on.

65-68: The things I’d like us to take away from this episode.

68-70: Seeking professional help - please see the links below.

70-73: Closing comments, information on my upcoming free course, and ways to get in touch.


Honourable Mentions from this Episode:


A whole board on our Pinterest dedicated to grief, including quotes, blogs and ideas for getting through.


Hit up our website to join the email list and be the FIRST to find out the information on the WAW Mornings for Mavericks FREE course!!


Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing

Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing


Grief and Bereavement Counselling Help:


UK -

Cruse Bereavement Care

The Good Grief Trust



Aftering - a range of different help resources available across the US.