When we meditate, literally everything improves, including our brain. When our brain is in a state of coherence, it simply functions better. And when our brain is functioning better, so is everything else in our life.

In this episode, we welcome a co-founder of AwareHouse, Steve Comer. Since his personal awakening moment, his meditation practice has guided him on the journey of learning many healing modalities, including hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Interpersonal Psycho Neuro Biology, neurofeedback therapy, to name a few. In 2022, he co-founded a curated wellness center called AwareHouse in Sarasota, FL.

Meditation changes your life. In this episode, Steve shares HOW. Be informed and empowered to optimize your life with meditation!

About Steve & AwareHouse:

AwareHouse website - Sign up for newsletters here!Steve & Ozlem Comer - Founders of AwareHouseRequest a consultation hereAwareHouse Instagram pageAwareHouse Facebook page

Resources discussed in this episode:

Dr. Joe DispenzaWhat is NeuroChangeSolutions?Dr. Daniel SiegelWhat is Interpersonal Neurobiology?Dr. Daniel AmenBook "Autobiography of a Yogi"Books by Yongey Mingyur RinpocheHeartMath InstituteWhat is Heart Rate Variability (HRV)?What is Neurofeedback Therapy?Benefits of saunaWhat is hyperbaric oxygen therapy?What is LiveO2?What is transcranial photobiomodulation?What is BioCharger?What is Tesla Coil?Nikola Tesla & free energyDr. Jess MDWhat is Flowpresso?

Ways to connect with Masako:

Let's meditate together on InsightTimer!Why not meditate? FB Groupwhynotmeditate.podcast IGmasakozawa_coaching IG

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