I still think about the same questions from when I was young, 'What are humans capable of? What am I capable of?' I've had so many people on my podcast that have cured themselves of cancer even though most people say that it's impossible. When we look through the lens of the weakest link compared to thinking about human potential, it takes us down a level collectively. We have to continue to progress by trying new things and pushing the envelope; if we don't do that, then we're not expanding and evolving. We are so infinitely powerful and it's not something that's given to a few and not others. We all have the potential within ourselves. - Matt Belair

Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE


---> Get The Morning 21 System: A simple and powerful 21 minute system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well.



Wellness Force Radio Episode 372

Author of Zen Athlete, Creator of the Soul Compass program, Host of the Master Mind Body and Spirit Podcast, and Conscious Thought Leader, Matt Belair, unpacks the truth and reality of fear-mongering from the media, why he has been censored and shut down on multiple platforms, how we can get trapped in a thought current that's not our own, and how you can live by your own Soul Compass.


How can you cultivate greater awareness and uncover your true potential?      

Join us as Matt shares how he has blended the art of zen with neuro-linguistic programming, sports psychology, life coaching, meditation, and conscious living. 


CURED Nutrition

Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE

It's taken me over a year to find the right hemp and CBD company to introduce to the Wellness Force Community and I could not be more thrilled that it's CURED Nutrition!

CURED Nutrition is a movement inspired by nature and grounded in a shared desire to leave a lasting impression on you, our community, and this world. Together, they're a collective of heart-centered human beings who are inviting you – the conscious creatives, dreamers, and healers – to join their family. Learn how CURED hemp and CBD products can enhance your daily wellness routine.

Try Cured Today

They're Colorado-based organically grown hemp products that have been engineered to transform your approach toward an elevated life. Tap into your inherent potential – your greatest mind-body alignment – and nourish it with the supplements you were designed to thrive on. A greater existence is waiting.


Listen To Episode 372 As Matt Belair Uncovers:


[1:30] Truth & Reality vs Fear Mongering Of COVID-19 breathwork.io Matt Belair Soul Compass Zen Athlete Master Mind Body and Spirit Podcast Why Facebook deleted both his personal and business Facebook pages for sharing his curiosity about COVID-19 and what is really going on. His perplexion at why more people aren’t speaking out about lockdown, mask-wearing, and what’s actually going on with the coronavirus. David E Martin: Coronavirus, Cdc, Integrity & Solving Impossible Problems Sayer Ji and GreenMedInfo 333 Dr. Kelly Brogan What life has been like for him these past 6 months as a father, husband, and business owner. Del Bigtree Robert F. Kennedy Jr Heated Vaccine Debate - Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz Walter Russell


[14:00] The Formula For Truth How to avoid going down a shame spiral for not doing certain things for your health and wellness. His love for testing out the latest wellness or biohack practice to improve his health. Why a sitting meditation helps him the most compared to other activities he loves like skateboarding or running. What the practice of meditation or really dedicating yourself to anything actually means when you do it consistently enough over time and focus on simple practices. David E Martin from Plandemic 2: Banking, World Health, Organization, Genocide and More CV19 Truth Series: Protecting Your Health Freedom Why now’s the time, more than ever, to show compassion and care for your fellow neighbor during COVID-19. Breaking down the formula for truth and how to apply it to your own daily conversations.


[20:30] Psychological Operations & Manipulation In 2020 Which public speakers to look to for information on the coronavirus and what is actually correct. How he came to studying psychological operations and how people are manipulated. Edward Bernays Understanding the group mind vs the individual mind. Derren Brown Steven Kotler Danny Way How to tap into your inner knowing and cultivate greater awareness by remaining calm and focused. Why the media is pumping scary headline after headline to the public to create automatic negative thoughts and keep us from love, expansion, and coming together as a community. Unpacking the ever-present truth: We have forgotten how incredibly powerful we are, how full of love we are, and how we came to this planet to do amazing things.


[29:00] What Are Humans Capable Of? Wim Hof Exploring our human potential and the great feats people have accomplished that were never supposed to be possible such as getting rid of their cancer. The infinite power we have to be ever-expanding in what we are capable of as humans. What’s causing us to forget that we are incredible beings and how to overcome that. The Century of the Self ThriveOn Documentaries How to use words to shift the planet in a very positive manner. Matt and Josh’s own emotional evolutions during COVID-19 including cultivating greater awareness and love for others. Unpacking the fact that 9.1 million people die of starvation every year compared to COVID-19. Edward Miller: The Power of Ho'oponopono and the Quest for Enlightened Living Meditation and prayer practices you can follow to aid your mission to make positive change happen in our world. How we can use everything we know about psychological operations and mental nutriments to flip the script and let there be less fear in the world and more love, peace, and kindness.


[38:00] How Thoughts & Emotions Catch On In Society Thoughts are Things by Prentice Mulford Napoleon Hill 129 Gretchen Rubin How we catch thoughts and emotions from other people. Breaking down the biggest thought current tornado of fear that’s happening right now with COVID-19. How social distancing, fear of COVID-19, and lockdowns are hurting humanity especially children and their mental health. What change he hopes he can make in the world during his lifetime including helping people reach their full human potential. Unpacking why money is basically the modern form of slavery. How to explore who you really are by asking yourself what you would do if you had a million dollars. What holds us back from our true purpose: mainstream thought current, what others think we should do, and pressure from other outside sources.


[53:30] Living By Our True Potential & Purpose Alan Watts The power of being courageous and curious about what we really love and want to do with our lives. The Way of Zen by Alan Watts Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl How a meditation practice or something that holds your focus like a form of art gives you space between your thoughts. Exploring how we create our own reality and emotional states. What people who live by default tend to focus on more including their mortality and whether or not they want to do something for years. Why journaling is such a powerful self-reflection tool that he encourages his clients to use. Peak Performance by Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness The power of breathwork and why it's changing the world for the better. Why plant medicine is being overused and not necessarily for everyone especially when there are other tools like breathwork and journaling.


[1:02:00] How To Create A Powerful Mindset What a powerful mindset looks like and when the end goal isn't everything, it's just part of the journey. How to play the game of life with the simple purpose of living and appreciating all of the ups and downs. What steps you can take to attract more love and compassion into your life. Why we have to have both the good and bad in the universe and life experiences as we face our own journeys. His experience trekking Mt. Everest and almost dying on the mountain. 086 Mark Divine Vipassana Meditation – A Spartan Race For The Mind Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding What lesson he has been reminded of during his past 4-5 near-death experiences: to be intentional with his life. Finding Joe Akira Kurosawa's Dreams The Holy Mountain How we can make our own assessment about COVID-19 and what to do about it without the government telling us what to do. His prediction of how humanity will move forward as a collective from all of the fear and darkness we have experienced in 2020. Abraham Hicks What Heart Hypnosis is and the various practices he provides for people. breathwork.io M21 Wellness Guide Wellness Force Community   Power Quotes From The Show


Unlocking Your Own Potential  

"Look to the leaders in consciousness, spirituality, personal development, health and wellness, and human potential and ask yourself, 'What are we capable of?' Leaders like Wim Hof are proving that the impossible can be done. When someone achieves something incredible, then this whole entire community has a new set of beliefs of what they're capable of doing. With martial arts, that's what it was like for me. It pushes you beyond what you think you're capable of so then you are less afraid of other things. Your skill, determination, and grit can then be applied to something  positive you want to create in this world." - Matt Belair

  Where's Your Soul Compass Leading You?

"In Soul Compass, ask people a series of questions: Who are you? What do you want to do? What would you do if you had a million dollars deposited in your bank every single day for the rest of your life? What would you do if you only had one year to live? What makes you think you're going to have more than one year to live? Ask yourself these questions and think about what your dream, calling, and passion would be...

...If you're thinking about your vocation or life purpose, just know that most people don't know if they're going North, East, South, or West. This is not about a final destination; it's about a current. So, if you're not creating your life on purpose, it's getting created for you by default by other people's wishes for you. All you have to do is start thinking for yourself, do some reflection, and choose different currents that lead you to new experiences until you refine it. Again, it's not a final destination, but a way." - Matt Belair

    The Fuel For Humanity 2.0   "True alchemy for humanity is taking your negative emotion and creating the positive from it. It's like our fuel; you take in the negative 'coal' and you transmute it into this positive force and for me, that's what we're seeing now throughout the planet. We're taking in all of this suffering, awfulness, and trauma and if we have the strength and resilience to transmute it into the fuel for Humanity 2.0., then that will encourage us further  to make a stand and not go back to the way things used to be when we were suppressed but move forward based on these new values, virtues, and our stronger selves." - Matt Belair     Links From Today's Show  Soul Compass Zen Athlete Master Mind Body and Spirit Podcast David E Martin: Coronavirus, Cdc, Integrity & Solving Impossible Problems Sayer Ji and GreenMedInfo 333 Dr. Kelly Brogan Del Bigtree Robert F. Kennedy Jr Heated Vaccine Debate - Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz Walter Russell David E Martin from Plandemic 2: Banking, World Health, Organization, Genocide and More CV19 Truth Series: Protecting Your Health Freedom Edward Bernays Derren Brown Steven Kotler Danny Way Wim Hof The Century of the Self ThriveOn Documentaries Edward Miller: The Power of Ho'oponopono and the Quest for Enlightened Living Thoughts are Things by Prentice Mulford Napoleon Hill Gretchen Rubin 129 Alan Watts The Way of Zen by Alan Watts Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Peak Performance by Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness 086 Mark Divine Vipassana Meditation – A Spartan Race For The Mind Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding Finding Joe Akira Kurosawa's Dreams The Holy Mountain Abraham Hicks Leave Wellness Force a review on iTunes breathwork.io M21 Wellness Guide Wellness Force Community Matt Belair YouTube Facebook Twitter


About Matt Belair

With experience in fields ranging from mental fortitude, Zen, the pursuit of inner peace and positive living, martial arts, marketing, snowboarding, and travel to neuro-linguistic programming, meditation, sport psychology, life coaching, and conscious living, Matt Belair is equipped to support you in whatever you aspire to achieve.

Matt's Global Experience

He spent time in Nepal studying meditation with Buddhist monks and survived a near-death experience while trekking Everest.

Traveled the world as a professional snowboard coach, trained mixed martial arts with pro fighters in Thailand.

Matt's Leadership As A Coach

He has learned the secrets to becoming an effective and powerful leader, speaker, and trainer under the guidance of mentor Michel Losier, the best-selling author of the Law of Attraction, and spent time in China training with 34th Generation Shaolin Monks, just to name some of his incredible experiences.

This wealth of experience and training have lead Matt to a high level of coaching proficiency in the fields of sport psychology, self-development and awareness, marketing, the law of attraction, and meditation.

Build Immunity. Breathe Deeply.

A simple, powerful 21 minute morning system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well.

Get Your Calm Mind + Immunity Building Guide 

*6 science based morning practices guaranteed to give you more energy and less weight in 21 Minutes.

*7 day guided B.R.E.A.T.H.E breathwork included.


More Top Episodes 226 Paul Chek: The Revolution Is Coming (3 Part Series) 131 Drew Manning: Emotional Fitness 129 Gretchen Rubin: The Four Tendencies  183 Dr. Kyra Bobinet: Brain Science 196 Aubrey Marcus: Own The Day 103 Robb Wolf: Wired To Eat Best of The Best: The Top 10 Guests From over 200 Shows Get More Wellness In Your Life Join the #WellnessWarrior Community on Facebook Tweet us on Twitter: Send us a tweet Comment on the Facebook page

I still think about the same questions from when I was young, 'What are humans capable of? What am I capable of?' I've had so many people on my podcast that have cured themselves of cancer even though most people say that it's impossible. When we look through the lens of the weakest link compared to thinking about human potential, it takes us down a level collectively. We have to continue to progress by trying new things and pushing the envelope; if we don't do that, then we're not expanding and evolving. We are so infinitely powerful and it's not something that's given to a few and not others. We all have the potential within ourselves. - Matt Belair

Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE


---> Get The Morning 21 System: A simple and powerful 21 minute system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well.



Wellness Force Radio Episode 372

Author of Zen Athlete, Creator of the Soul Compass program, Host of the Master Mind Body and Spirit Podcast, and Conscious Thought Leader, Matt Belair, unpacks the truth and reality of fear-mongering from the media, why he has been censored and shut down on multiple platforms, how we can get trapped in a thought current that's not our own, and how you can live by your own Soul Compass.


How can you cultivate greater awareness and uncover your true potential?      

Join us as Matt shares how he has blended the art of zen with neuro-linguistic programming, sports psychology, life coaching, meditation, and conscious living. 


CURED Nutrition

Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE

It's taken me over a year to find the right hemp and CBD company to introduce to the Wellness Force Community and I could not be more thrilled that it's CURED Nutrition!

CURED Nutrition is a movement inspired by nature and grounded in a shared desire to leave a lasting impression on you, our community, and this world. Together, they're a collective of heart-centered human beings who are inviting you – the conscious creatives, dreamers, and healers – to join their family. Learn how CURED hemp and CBD products can enhance your daily wellness routine.

Try Cured Today

They're Colorado-based organically grown hemp products that have been engineered to transform your approach toward an elevated life. Tap into your inherent potential – your greatest mind-body alignment – and nourish it with the supplements you were designed to thrive on. A greater existence is waiting.


Listen To Episode 372 As Matt Belair Uncovers:


[1:30] Truth & Reality vs Fear Mongering Of COVID-19 breathwork.io Matt Belair Soul Compass Zen Athlete Master Mind Body and Spirit Podcast Why Facebook deleted both his personal and business Facebook pages for sharing his curiosity about COVID-19 and what is really going on. His perplexion at why more people aren’t speaking out about lockdown, mask-wearing, and what’s actually going on with the coronavirus. David E Martin: Coronavirus, Cdc, Integrity & Solving Impossible Problems Sayer Ji and GreenMedInfo 333 Dr. Kelly Brogan What life has been like for him these past 6 months as a father, husband, and business owner. Del Bigtree Robert F. Kennedy Jr Heated Vaccine Debate - Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz Walter Russell


[14:00] The Formula For Truth How to avoid going down a shame spiral for not doing certain things for your health and wellness. His love for testing out the latest wellness or biohack practice to improve his health. Why a sitting meditation helps him the most compared to other activities he loves like skateboarding or running. What the practice of meditation or really dedicating yourself to anything actually means when you do it consistently enough over time and focus on simple practices. David E Martin from Plandemic 2: Banking, World Health, Organization, Genocide and More CV19 Truth Series: Protecting Your Health Freedom Why now’s the time, more than ever, to show compassion and care for your fellow neighbor during COVID-19. Breaking down the formula for truth and how to apply it to your own daily conversations.


[20:30] Psychological Operations & Manipulation In 2020 Which public speakers to look to for information on the coronavirus and what is actually correct. How he came to studying psychological operations and how people are manipulated. Edward Bernays Understanding the group mind vs the individual mind. Derren Brown Steven Kotler Danny Way How to tap into your inner knowing and cultivate greater awareness by remaining calm and focused. Why the media is pumping scary headline after headline to the public to create automatic negative thoughts and keep us from love, expansion, and coming together as a community. Unpacking the ever-present truth: We have forgotten how incredibly powerful we are, how full of love we are, and how we came to this planet to do amazing things.


[29:00] What Are Humans Capable Of? Wim Hof Exploring our human potential and the great feats people have accomplished that were never supposed to be possible such as getting rid of their cancer. The infinite power we have to be ever-expanding in what we are capable of as humans. What’s causing us to forget that we are incredible beings and how to overcome that. The Century of the Self ThriveOn Documentaries How to use words to shift the planet in a very positive manner. Matt and Josh’s own emotional evolutions during COVID-19 including cultivating greater awareness and love for others. Unpacking the fact that 9.1 million people die of starvation every year compared to COVID-19. Edward Miller: The Power of Ho'oponopono and the Quest for Enlightened Living Meditation and prayer practices you can follow to aid your mission to make positive change happen in our world. How we can use everything we know about psychological operations and mental nutriments to flip the script and let there be less fear in the world and more love, peace, and kindness.


[38:00] How Thoughts & Emotions Catch On In Society Thoughts are Things by Prentice Mulford Napoleon Hill 129 Gretchen Rubin How we catch thoughts and emotions from other people. Breaking down the biggest thought current tornado of fear that’s happening right now with COVID-19. How social distancing, fear of COVID-19, and lockdowns are hurting humanity especially children and their mental health. What change he hopes he can make in the world during his lifetime including helping people reach their full human potential. Unpacking why money is basically the modern form of slavery. How to explore who you really are by asking yourself what you would do if you had a million dollars. What holds us back from our true purpose: mainstream thought current, what others think we should do, and pressure from other outside sources.


[53:30] Living By Our True Potential & Purpose Alan Watts The power of being courageous and curious about what we really love and want to do with our lives. The Way of Zen by Alan Watts Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl How a meditation practice or something that holds your focus like a form of art gives you space between your thoughts. Exploring how we create our own reality and emotional states. What people who live by default tend to focus on more including their mortality and whether or not they want to do something for years. Why journaling is such a powerful self-reflection tool that he encourages his clients to use. Peak Performance by Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness The power of breathwork and why it's changing the world for the better. Why plant medicine is being overused and not necessarily for everyone especially when there are other tools like breathwork and journaling.


[1:02:00] How To Create A Powerful Mindset What a powerful mindset looks like and when the end goal isn't everything, it's just part of the journey. How to play the game of life with the simple purpose of living and appreciating all of the ups and downs. What steps you can take to attract more love and compassion into your life. Why we have to have both the good and bad in the universe and life experiences as we face our own journeys. His experience trekking Mt. Everest and almost dying on the mountain. 086 Mark Divine Vipassana Meditation – A Spartan Race For The Mind Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding What lesson he has been reminded of during his past 4-5 near-death experiences: to be intentional with his life. Finding Joe Akira Kurosawa's Dreams The Holy Mountain How we can make our own assessment about COVID-19 and what to do about it without the government telling us what to do. His prediction of how humanity will move forward as a collective from all of the fear and darkness we have experienced in 2020. Abraham Hicks What Heart Hypnosis is and the various practices he provides for people. breathwork.io M21 Wellness Guide Wellness Force Community   Power Quotes From The Show


Unlocking Your Own Potential  

"Look to the leaders in consciousness, spirituality, personal development, health and wellness, and human potential and ask yourself, 'What are we capable of?' Leaders like Wim Hof are proving that the impossible can be done. When someone achieves something incredible, then this whole entire community has a new set of beliefs of what they're capable of doing. With martial arts, that's what it was like for me. It pushes you beyond what you think you're capable of so then you are less afraid of other things. Your skill, determination, and grit can then be applied to something  positive you want to create in this world." - Matt Belair

  Where's Your Soul Compass Leading You?

"In Soul Compass, ask people a series of questions: Who are you? What do you want to do? What would you do if you had a million dollars deposited in your bank every single day for the rest of your life? What would you do if you only had one year to live? What makes you think you're going to have more than one year to live? Ask yourself these questions and think about what your dream, calling, and passion would be...

...If you're thinking about your vocation or life purpose, just know that most people don't know if they're going North, East, South, or West. This is not about a final destination; it's about a current. So, if you're not creating your life on purpose, it's getting created for you by default by other people's wishes for you. All you have to do is start thinking for yourself, do some reflection, and choose different currents that lead you to new experiences until you refine it. Again, it's not a final destination, but a way." - Matt Belair

    The Fuel For Humanity 2.0   "True alchemy for humanity is taking your negative emotion and creating the positive from it. It's like our fuel; you take in the negative 'coal' and you transmute it into this positive force and for me, that's what we're seeing now throughout the planet. We're taking in all of this suffering, awfulness, and trauma and if we have the strength and resilience to transmute it into the fuel for Humanity 2.0., then that will encourage us further  to make a stand and not go back to the way things used to be when we were suppressed but move forward based on these new values, virtues, and our stronger selves." - Matt Belair     Links From Today's Show  Soul Compass Zen Athlete Master Mind Body and Spirit Podcast David E Martin: Coronavirus, Cdc, Integrity & Solving Impossible Problems Sayer Ji and GreenMedInfo 333 Dr. Kelly Brogan Del Bigtree Robert F. Kennedy Jr Heated Vaccine Debate - Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz Walter Russell David E Martin from Plandemic 2: Banking, World Health, Organization, Genocide and More CV19 Truth Series: Protecting Your Health Freedom Edward Bernays Derren Brown Steven Kotler Danny Way Wim Hof The Century of the Self ThriveOn Documentaries Edward Miller: The Power of Ho'oponopono and the Quest for Enlightened Living Thoughts are Things by Prentice Mulford Napoleon Hill Gretchen Rubin 129 Alan Watts The Way of Zen by Alan Watts Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Peak Performance by Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness 086 Mark Divine Vipassana Meditation – A Spartan Race For The Mind Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding Finding Joe Akira Kurosawa's Dreams The Holy Mountain Abraham Hicks Leave Wellness Force a review on iTunes breathwork.io M21 Wellness Guide Wellness Force Community Matt Belair YouTube Facebook Twitter


About Matt Belair

With experience in fields ranging from mental fortitude, Zen, the pursuit of inner peace and positive living, martial arts, marketing, snowboarding, and travel to neuro-linguistic programming, meditation, sport psychology, life coaching, and conscious living, Matt Belair is equipped to support you in whatever you aspire to achieve.

Matt's Global Experience

He spent time in Nepal studying meditation with Buddhist monks and survived a near-death experience while trekking Everest.

Traveled the world as a professional snowboard coach, trained mixed martial arts with pro fighters in Thailand.

Matt's Leadership As A Coach

He has learned the secrets to becoming an effective and powerful leader, speaker, and trainer under the guidance of mentor Michel Losier, the best-selling author of the Law of Attraction, and spent time in China training with 34th Generation Shaolin Monks, just to name some of his incredible experiences.

This wealth of experience and training have lead Matt to a high level of coaching proficiency in the fields of sport psychology, self-development and awareness, marketing, the law of attraction, and meditation.

Build Immunity. Breathe Deeply.

A simple, powerful 21 minute morning system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well.

Get Your Calm Mind + Immunity Building Guide 

*6 science based morning practices guaranteed to give you more energy and less weight in 21 Minutes.

*7 day guided B.R.E.A.T.H.E breathwork included.


More Top Episodes 226 Paul Chek: The Revolution Is Coming (3 Part Series) 131 Drew Manning: Emotional Fitness 129 Gretchen Rubin: The Four Tendencies  183 Dr. Kyra Bobinet: Brain Science 196 Aubrey Marcus: Own The Day 103 Robb Wolf: Wired To Eat Best of The Best: The Top 10 Guests From over 200 Shows Get More Wellness In Your Life Join the #WellnessWarrior Community on Facebook Tweet us on Twitter: Send us a tweet Comment on the Facebook page

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