What God is is beyond our small human mind's capacity really to grapple with and until you get pushed so deeply into yourself, usually by pain, that you have to get into regions of the unconscious or the superconscious or the soul which is really the self-sense of all of it. In other words, in the soul, there is no division between the unconscious, subconscious, and superconscious. The higher self is the superconscious part of the soul. The subconscious is the wisdom of the DNA and the cells that make up the miracle of the body. The unconscious is everything that the ego cannot be aware of because it can't process even close to that much information per any given unit of time. But the soul has access to all of it and only God can give us soul so really the soul is God embodied. - Paul Chek


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---> Get The Morning 21 System: A simple and powerful 21 minute system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well.




Wellness Force Radio Episode 371

Author of How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy, Creator of the PPS Success Mastery Program, Host of the Living 4D with Paul Chek Podcast, Founder of the C.H.E.K. InstitutePaul Chek, returns to Wellness Force for the three-part series, All Is God.

In Part 3, Paul unpacks how humanity can and will rise in 2021, why love isn't a word but actually a code, why the world is an illusion, why limitations are necessary for creation, the truth about COVID-19 and the global shift we need now.


If you are unconditional love and that's all you are, what can you experience?    

Join us for Part 3 of All Is God as Paul Chek shares why God is our soul that is embodied consciousness.

    CURED Nutrition

Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE

It's taken me over a year to find the right hemp and CBD company to introduce to the Wellness Force Community and I could not be more thrilled that it's CURED Nutrition!

CURED Nutrition is a movement inspired by nature and grounded in a shared desire to leave a lasting impression on you, our community, and this world. Together, they're a collective of heart-centered human beings who are inviting you – the conscious creatives, dreamers, and healers – to join their family. Learn how CURED hemp and CBD products can enhance your daily wellness routine.

Try Cured Today

They're Colorado-based organically grown hemp products that have been engineered to transform your approach toward an elevated life. Tap into your inherent potential – your greatest mind-body alignment – and nourish it with the supplements you were designed to thrive on. A greater existence is waiting.


Listen To Episode 371 As Paul Chek Uncovers In All Is God | Part 3 of 3:


[0:00] Love Isn't A Word But A Code Paul Chek C.H.E.K. Institute How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy PPS Success Mastery Program Living 4D with Paul Chek | CHEK INSTITUTE Show Notes Episode 36 – Josh Trent: The Making of a Buddha 226 The Revolution Is Coming: Paul Chek (Three-Part Series) 275 The Revolution Is Here: Paul Chek The importance of going out and living your own experiences to create your own beliefs. Unpacking the immense amount of time Paul has spent on studying the soul, God, physiology, psychology, physics, and beyond. Why he wants to know what's really going on in the world from every angle possible. Arnold J. Mandell The key differences between consensus reality and non-consensus reality. Why 'love' isn't just a word but a code. The Book of Macrobiotics by Michio Kushi Tao Te Ching: The Book of Meaning and Life by Lao Tzu, translated by Richard Wilhelm How the soul works to help guide us in our quests for higher consciousness. Why God is our soul that is embodied consciousness. Unpacking the question: If you are unconditional love and that's all you are, what can you experience? Why we find it so hard to fully understand what "unconditional" actually means.


[10:00] The World Is The Illusion The importance of limitations and laws as they are necessary for creation, growth, and freedom. Arthur M. Young Why the world is THE illusion because without it there's no experience of relationships, how to consciously grow, or perceive and know what God is. Roger Bannister  Walter Russell His research on LSD and other psychedelics to help him understand how they can be used safely in a healing practice. Albert Hoffman & The History of LSD Why the US government is so against LSD and psychedelics because it leads people to realize that we are all one, destroys nationalism, creates higher consciousness, and makes people not want to fight anymore. Terence McKenna


[19:00] Why Limitations Are Necessary For Creation Why limitation is as important to freedom as freedom is itself. The fact that enlightenment is the realization that you really are free and that limitations are tools that ultimately can be used to create freedom for yourself and others. Science and Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness by William A. Tiller Ph.D. Why having hatred for something or someone means that you care enough and thus that dark energy binds them to you. The damaging effect that apathy and basically just not caring has on the world and our relationships with one another. Why people choose to be apathetic to attract a way or ways to get out of being responsible of living their life.


[30:00] The Truth About COVID-19 CV19 Truth Series: Protecting Your Health Freedom 345 Dr. Zach Bush 362 Dr. Zach Bush 344 Leslie Manookian  Show Notes Episode 92 – Leslie Manookian: Bringing Light to the Darkness of Health and Freedom The fact that there is no legitimate test for the COVID-19 virus and even the inventor of the test said that it was not suitable for identifying it. Why the truth about the coronavirus keeps getting taken down on websites and social media. Politics in Healing: The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine by Daniel Haley Why COVID-19 is a sign of the breakdown and collapse of both the environment and our global health. The importance of taking care of the environment now and how we can shift the world with this focus. His call to distribute funds from the military to better education, legit medicine research, and helping the environment heal. Show Notes Episode 104 – Nick Pineault: Where Are We Now: COVID-19, 5G, Technology That Supports Us Why no children have actually died from COVID-19 itself but from other health illnesses and disease complications. Nassim Haramein - The Universe and You The call for honest and ethical medical and health organizations that will truly help the world heal.


[39:00] The Global Shift We Need Now The scientific connections we have with the earth from the ocean to the ground to the air to fire. EP 97 — Dr. Ibrahim Karim: BioGeometry: Profound Healing Through Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science Why we need to wake up and realize that we are the world and we all need each other. Digging deep into the question: How can we love food, music, technology, and culture from other places all over the world but then hate the people themselves? Who we should turn to for factual health and wellness information plus Paul's own process to vet them out. GreenMedInfo How we can start standing up for ourselves and let the government and big businesses know that we're not going to be pushed around anymore. Why we should be using local, small energy resources and supporting local farmers instead of turning to these massive global generators and corporations. The internal war that is being created within the USA with all of the pre-planned mass confusion and chaos to fund the military. David Baum Jiddu Krishnamurti Why we have to reinvent our government to get it to be a true democracy again. breathwork.io M21 Wellness Guide Wellness Force Community  


Power Quotes From The Show We Are The World

"If God is God then what else could you be? And if you're not God that's okay, then you're the universe. Even if you don't believe in that, guess what? You're the world because look at what your body is made of; you're 70% water, your blood has the same level of salinization as the ocean, your bones and tissues we can call the earth element, your breath is the air element, and your metabolism is fire and you can't get by without sunlight. Even if you don't believe that you are the universe then you have to wake up and look at your own science and education and realize that you are the world. We all need each other; we are each other." - Paul Chek


  What Limitations Can Teach Us

"When you really look at it, limitation is as important to freedom as freedom is itself because if there was no limitation, you wouldn't know what freedom was. So, really enlightenment is the realization that you really are free and that limitations are tools to work with that ultimately can be used to create freedom for yourself and others." - Paul Chek

    How Humanity Can Rise Up In 2020

"One of the most important functions of meditation is that it organizes the mind because it creates space for things. If you have no space between the notes and music, you don't have music, you have noise. We need to take advantage of this time and be brave enough instead of running around like chickens with our heads cut off and drugging ourselves, being scared, and getting fanatical about it...."

"...Let's sit in a circle with friends and people that are really concerned and chant, sing spiritual songs, or gospel songs or anything that brings you to a state of calm. Let's practice being with silence so that it creates a space within ourselves that allows creativity to rise up. If we have the intention of holding hands, caring for each other, and caring for the planet so that we can evolve to the point where we can handle another five billion people on the planet without destroying it and we know how to live together and take care of the planet, then I think we can be really proud of what we created and our spiritual evolution and religion will become meaningful." - Paul Chek


Links From Today's Show  How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy PPS Success Mastery Program Living 4D with Paul Chek | CHEK INSTITUTE Show Notes Episode 36 – Josh Trent: The Making of a Buddha 226 The Revolution Is Coming: Paul Chek (Three-Part Series) 275 The Revolution Is Here: Paul Chek Arnold J. Mandell The Book of Macrobiotics by Michio Kushi Tao Te Ching: The Book of Meaning and Life by Lao Tzu, translated by Richard Wilhelm Arthur M. Young Roger Bannister  Walter Russell Albert Hoffman & The History of LSD Terence McKenna Science and Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness by William A. Tiller Ph.D. CV19 Truth Series: Protecting Your Health Freedom 345 Dr. Zach Bush 362 Dr. Zach Bush 344 Leslie Manookian  Show Notes Episode 92 – Leslie Manookian: Bringing Light to the Darkness of Health and Freedom Politics in Healing: The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine by Daniel Haley Show Notes Episode 104 – Nick Pineault: Where Are We Now: COVID-19, 5G, Technology That Supports Us Nassim Haramein - The Universe and You EP 97 — Dr. Ibrahim Karim: BioGeometry: Profound Healing Through Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science GreenMedInfo David Baum Jiddu Krishnamurti Leave Wellness Force a review on iTunes breathwork.io M21 Wellness Guide Wellness Force Community Paul Chek Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube LinkedIn The C.H.E.K. Institute Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn YouTube


About Paul Chek

Paul Chek is a world-renowned expert in the fields of corrective and high-performance exercise kinesiology, stress management and holistic wellness. For over thirty years, Paul’s unique, integrated approach to treatment and education has changed the lives of many of his clients, his students, and their clients. By treating the body as a whole system and finding the root cause of a problem, Paul has been successful where traditional approaches have consistently failed.

Paul is the founder of the C.H.E.K (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology) Institute, based in California, USA, and the P~P~S Success Mastery Coaching Program. He is a prolific author of books, articles and blog posts. In addition, Paul is a registered Native American Spirit Guide and Medicine Man with the Nemenhah Band (people of the truth) and Native American Traditional Organization (NAC) where he initiates a process of awakening often fulfilling comprehensive healing through sacred ceremony.


Build Immunity. Breathe Deeply.

A simple, powerful 21 minute morning system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well.

Get Your Calm Mind + Immunity Building Guide 

*6 science based morning practices guaranteed to give you more energy and less weight in 21 Minutes.

*7 day guided B.R.E.A.T.H.E breathwork included.


More Top Episodes 226 Paul Chek: The Revolution Is Coming (3 Part Series) 131 Drew Manning: Emotional Fitness 129 Gretchen Rubin: The Four Tendencies  183 Dr. Kyra Bobinet: Brain Science 196 Aubrey Marcus: Own The Day 103 Robb Wolf: Wired To Eat Best of The Best: The Top 10 Guests From over 200 Shows Get More Wellness In Your Life Join the #WellnessWarrior Community on Facebook Tweet us on Twitter: Send us a tweet Comment on the Facebook page

What God is is beyond our small human mind's capacity really to grapple with and until you get pushed so deeply into yourself, usually by pain, that you have to get into regions of the unconscious or the superconscious or the soul which is really the self-sense of all of it. In other words, in the soul, there is no division between the unconscious, subconscious, and superconscious. The higher self is the superconscious part of the soul. The subconscious is the wisdom of the DNA and the cells that make up the miracle of the body. The unconscious is everything that the ego cannot be aware of because it can't process even close to that much information per any given unit of time. But the soul has access to all of it and only God can give us soul so really the soul is God embodied. - Paul Chek


Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE


---> Get The Morning 21 System: A simple and powerful 21 minute system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well.




Wellness Force Radio Episode 371

Author of How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy, Creator of the PPS Success Mastery Program, Host of the Living 4D with Paul Chek Podcast, Founder of the C.H.E.K. InstitutePaul Chek, returns to Wellness Force for the three-part series, All Is God.

In Part 3, Paul unpacks how humanity can and will rise in 2021, why love isn't a word but actually a code, why the world is an illusion, why limitations are necessary for creation, the truth about COVID-19 and the global shift we need now.


If you are unconditional love and that's all you are, what can you experience?    

Join us for Part 3 of All Is God as Paul Chek shares why God is our soul that is embodied consciousness.

    CURED Nutrition

Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE

It's taken me over a year to find the right hemp and CBD company to introduce to the Wellness Force Community and I could not be more thrilled that it's CURED Nutrition!

CURED Nutrition is a movement inspired by nature and grounded in a shared desire to leave a lasting impression on you, our community, and this world. Together, they're a collective of heart-centered human beings who are inviting you – the conscious creatives, dreamers, and healers – to join their family. Learn how CURED hemp and CBD products can enhance your daily wellness routine.

Try Cured Today

They're Colorado-based organically grown hemp products that have been engineered to transform your approach toward an elevated life. Tap into your inherent potential – your greatest mind-body alignment – and nourish it with the supplements you were designed to thrive on. A greater existence is waiting.


Listen To Episode 371 As Paul Chek Uncovers In All Is God | Part 3 of 3:


[0:00] Love Isn't A Word But A Code Paul Chek C.H.E.K. Institute How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy PPS Success Mastery Program Living 4D with Paul Chek | CHEK INSTITUTE Show Notes Episode 36 – Josh Trent: The Making of a Buddha 226 The Revolution Is Coming: Paul Chek (Three-Part Series) 275 The Revolution Is Here: Paul Chek The importance of going out and living your own experiences to create your own beliefs. Unpacking the immense amount of time Paul has spent on studying the soul, God, physiology, psychology, physics, and beyond. Why he wants to know what's really going on in the world from every angle possible. Arnold J. Mandell The key differences between consensus reality and non-consensus reality. Why 'love' isn't just a word but a code. The Book of Macrobiotics by Michio Kushi Tao Te Ching: The Book of Meaning and Life by Lao Tzu, translated by Richard Wilhelm How the soul works to help guide us in our quests for higher consciousness. Why God is our soul that is embodied consciousness. Unpacking the question: If you are unconditional love and that's all you are, what can you experience? Why we find it so hard to fully understand what "unconditional" actually means.


[10:00] The World Is The Illusion The importance of limitations and laws as they are necessary for creation, growth, and freedom. Arthur M. Young Why the world is THE illusion because without it there's no experience of relationships, how to consciously grow, or perceive and know what God is. Roger Bannister  Walter Russell His research on LSD and other psychedelics to help him understand how they can be used safely in a healing practice. Albert Hoffman & The History of LSD Why the US government is so against LSD and psychedelics because it leads people to realize that we are all one, destroys nationalism, creates higher consciousness, and makes people not want to fight anymore. Terence McKenna


[19:00] Why Limitations Are Necessary For Creation


[30:00] The Truth About COVID-19


[39:00] The Global Shift We Need Now  


Power Quotes From The Show We Are The World

"If God is God then what else could you be? And if you're not God that's okay, then you're the universe. Even if you don't believe in that, guess what? You're the world because look at what your body is made of; you're 70% water, your blood has the same level of salinization as the ocean, your bones and tissues we can call the earth element, your breath is the air element, and your metabolism is fire and you can't get by without sunlight. Even if you don't believe that you are the universe then you have to wake up and look at your own science and education and realize that you are the world. We all need each other; we are each other." - Paul Chek


  What Limitations Can Teach Us

"When you really look at it, limitation is as important to freedom as freedom is itself because if there was no limitation, you wouldn't know what freedom was. So, really enlightenment is the realization that you really are free and that limitations are tools to work with that ultimately can be used to create freedom for yourself and others." - Paul Chek

    How Humanity Can Rise Up In 2020

"One of the most important functions of meditation is that it organizes the mind because it creates space for things. If you have no space between the notes and music, you don't have music, you have noise. We need to take advantage of this time and be brave enough instead of running around like chickens with our heads cut off and drugging ourselves, being scared, and getting fanatical about it...."

"...Let's sit in a circle with friends and people that are really concerned and chant, sing spiritual songs, or gospel songs or anything that brings you to a state of calm. Let's practice being with silence so that it creates a space within ourselves that allows creativity to rise up. If we have the intention of holding hands, caring for each other, and caring for the planet so that we can evolve to the point where we can handle another five billion people on the planet without destroying it and we know how to live together and take care of the planet, then I think we can be really proud of what we created and our spiritual evolution and religion will become meaningful." - Paul Chek


Links From Today's Show 


About Paul Chek

Paul Chek is a world-renowned expert in the fields of corrective and high-performance exercise kinesiology, stress management and holistic wellness. For over thirty years, Paul’s unique, integrated approach to treatment and education has changed the lives of many of his clients, his students, and their clients. By treating the body as a whole system and finding the root cause of a problem, Paul has been successful where traditional approaches have consistently failed.

Paul is the founder of the C.H.E.K (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology) Institute, based in California, USA, and the P~P~S Success Mastery Coaching Program. He is a prolific author of books, articles and blog posts. In addition, Paul is a registered Native American Spirit Guide and Medicine Man with the Nemenhah Band (people of the truth) and Native American Traditional Organization (NAC) where he initiates a process of awakening often fulfilling comprehensive healing through sacred ceremony.


Build Immunity. Breathe Deeply.

A simple, powerful 21 minute morning system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well.

Get Your Calm Mind + Immunity Building Guide 

*6 science based morning practices guaranteed to give you more energy and less weight in 21 Minutes.

*7 day guided B.R.E.A.T.H.E breathwork included.


More Top Episodes
  1. 226 Paul Chek: The Revolution Is Coming (3 Part Series)
  2. 131 Drew Manning: Emotional Fitness
  3. 129 Gretchen Rubin: The Four Tendencies 
  4. 183 Dr. Kyra Bobinet: Brain Science
  5. 196 Aubrey Marcus: Own The Day
  6. 103 Robb Wolf: Wired To Eat
  7. Best of The Best: The Top 10 Guests From over 200 Shows
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