Between my clients, colleagues, and friends, I have had the pleasure of getting to know a lot of business owners really, really well. And, it’s always interesting to see that the business owners that are making things happen and creating the success they want in their business all have some things in common. It’s undeniable that there are certain characteristics of a successful business owner that go beyond personality or just “who they are.” but more so as a role they step into that takes them to the next level. Let’s chat about what it really takes to be a successful business owner in today’s episode.

“You are in control of what is being stored in your subconscious mind and this is very powerful to know about yourself.” - Shawn Mynar

“If you really get in touch with your intuition, you’re always going to be intentional and purposeful.” - Shawn Mynar

“Failures are just learning experiences. They are just giving you these spaces for growth.” - Shawn Mynar

“Entrepreneurship is a big, huge game of risk… Successful business owners know that with that risk comes some of the biggest rewards you could ever experience.” - Shawn Mynar

FULL EPISODE TRANSCRIPTION BELOW: (transcription is auto-generated so expect errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling)

Between my clients, colleagues and friends, I've had the pleasure of getting to know a lot of business owners really, really well. And it's always interesting to see that the business owners that are making things happen, and creating the success they want in their business, all have some things in common. It's undeniable that there are certain characteristics of a successful business owner that go beyond just personality or who they are. But more so as


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