Every business, big, small, online, in-person, product- or service-based needs a marketing plan. I know that may sound stuffy and boring or even overwhelming, but I’m here to tell you…it doesn’t have to be. We have so many opportunities to market our businesses these days in a way that can feel fun and authentic while staying simple. The thing is, so many people that start businesses are not good marketers and are missing out on some amazing opportunities to grow their business. Let’s break that cycle in today’s episode.

"Your marketing plan cannot be to post on social media and hope someone will notice. That is not a marketing plan." - Shawn Mynar

"Everything that you’re doing is marketing… when you show up for your business, you are marketing." - Shawn Mynar

"You show up with the intention of connection and getting people to know you and having people find you while also inviting people to engage with you further." - Shawn Mynar

"If you want to make more money, a lot of times you’ve got to spend the money to make more money in your marketing strategy." - Shawn Mynar

COMPLETE EPISODE TRANSCRIPT (transcript is auto-generated so expect errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling)

Every business big small online in person, product or service-based needs a marketing plan. I know that may sound stuffy and boring, or even perhaps overwhelming to you. But I'm here to tell ya, it doesn't have to be that way. We have so many opportunities these days to market our businesses in a way that can feel fun and authentic, while still staying simple and free. The thing is, so many people that start businesses just aren't good marketers, and they're missing out on some amazing opportunities to grow their businesses. Let's break that cycle in today's episode.

Hey, hey there, friends, welcome back to the unstuck entrepreneur podcast. So, so happy to have you here and grateful for each and every episode that you choose to tune into. It means the world to me. And it means so much I've been getting a lot of this these


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