Late-night food cravings? Sneaking snacks after everyone goes to bed? One of the most common types of overeating is nighttime eating. We are often “good” all day long, and then evening hits. Seemingly out of nowhere, we're hit with all of the urges to eat. As soon as the sun goes down, the kids go to bed, and the laptop closes, we are reaching for our second serving and a pint of ice cream. In this episode, discover how to stop overeating at night, despite staying disciplined throughout the day.

Join Eva as she uncovers the top five reasons behind our nocturnal cravings and offers practical tips to stop them. Explore topics such as ensuring adequate daytime nourishment, the concept of relaxation eating, responding to hunger cues, the connection between people-pleasing and rebellious eating patterns, and effective strategies for managing stress hormone crashes.


Did you eat enough during the day? What is relaxation eating? How do you respond to hunger cues? Are you a people pleaser turned rebel at night? Tips for dealing with stress hormone crashes 



“Eating after a certain time isn’t why you're overweight. Overeating is the reason why you're overweight.” - Eva Rodriguez 



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