In Eva's return from hiatus, she's welcoming special guest and client Andrea, who shares her journey from relying on macro counting to exploring and embodying intuitive eating.

Andrea candidly shares how she initially resisted the idea of intuitive eating due to a fear of letting go of the food rules she’d been living by.

Andrea, a money coach for women of color, draws parallels between her coaching methods and her own experience with intuitive eating and losing weight without counting macros or spending hours at the gym. She emphasizes the shift from relying on external rules to embracing intentional decision-making using her prefrontal cortex, a concept she applies to both her finances and now, food choices.

Key Points

How Andrea initially struggled with trusting intuitive eating as a method for weight loss

How Andrea connected how she teaches her clients to budget with how she plans her meals in order to make mindful food choices

How Eva helped her shift her mindset from feeling restricted by the framework to realizing that it offers a newfound sense of freedom and choice

How Andrea was able to enjoy her vacation to Peru without fear of gaining weight, overeating or missing out on special moments with her family




”Food doesn't feel so intense anymore. It's just food. It doesn't have to be the main event. I can be part of moments without needing to eat, and that's okay.” - Andrea Ramos

"Planning my food gets me more of what I want. I get to enjoy food, hit my goals, and have a healthier relationship with eating. It's not about taking away my freedom; it's about giving me more choices and more control.” - Andrea Ramos


Andrea Ramos

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