There was a point in time when I was set on meeting my future husband “organically.” I had this dream that I would meet him through friends, mutual friends, or doing something I love. I didn't want my story to be "we met online."

With diving into my relationship with Jesus, working on myself, and truly wanting to be with a quality guy, I started to change my mindset around online dating.

My mantra became it doesn't matter how I meet my husband, it's who he is. With this shift I was able to go into online dating with a new perspective and trust that God can use any situation for me to meet my husband.

Dating online isn't easy, but with the help of my dating coach I was able to put parameters around online dating to make it not so overwhelming and discouraging for me.

I have complied those tips into a free guide for you to use yourself. It's called "Do's and Don'ts of Online Dating." If you would like this free guide, click here!

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