Do you know what you are looking for in a partner? Do you know the characteristics and traits they would have?

If you answered no to these questions, it may be time to sit down and write out a list of what you are looking for in a future partner. I'm not talking about physical traits. I'm talking about if they love Jesus, are loyal, outgoing, fun to be around, have a sense of humor, have integrity.

Someone suggested I write out a list of what I was looking for in a future husband. I searched my heart for what I truly wanted in a partner and invited God into the process. My list is about 6 pages of characteristics and at the end I wrote out a prayer.

This may be something you need to do to become clear as to who you are looking for. This made dating less overwhelming for me and I was able to sift through guys I didn't want to date because of this list.

This list is not meant for you to be closed minded, but it will help you be firm in your non-negotiables and not settle.

I want to hear from you! If you decide to make a list tell me! You can DM me on instagram @nikki.houseman or send me an email [email protected]

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