Maybe you think the reason you are not dating the people you want or aren't dating at all is because of who you are. Maybe you feel you need to change aspects of who you are in order for people to want to date you. I'm here to tell you this is not true!

If you feel this way, maybe it's because you are lacking self confidence. In this episode I share pratical tips for you to boost your self confidence and start attracting the people you want/should date!

I have created a document for you to read through with all these tips. Click here to get that free guide.

One thing I share about is creating healthy habits for yourself. In order to be in a healthy relationship, you must come from a healthy place yourself. I have a highlight on my instagram with videos I've created with healthy habits you too can start implementing. Click here to view those.

Here is a link to the dry brush I use.

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Follow me on instagram @nikki.houseman

DM or email me [email protected] if you have questions regarding the tips I share or coaching with me.