Losing Your Voice: The reason we lose our voices is something that happens at school. Our voices move up the power center in our guts, which is the lungs, and all the support muscles that produce powerful voices because we forget that there's a connection. It happens to anybody who isn't in their bodies.


The Gravitas Method: Finding and knowing your voice with neuro-linguistic programming. The methodology is for more practical challenges rather than clinically diagnosed trauma. This is for people who might be scared to share their authentic voice, biologically not having competence, or being in that stress state.


It is about helping someone self-regulate, pause ground, find good alignment, know how to breathe in, in a way that allows the system to feel safe rather than that kind of panic breath that people do on stage. Ultimately, it's about finding congruence; about someone feeling that they have permission to walk out on the stage and be who they are.


It starts with a Pause: You breathe in ideas, pause, close your mouth and wait. Let the next thought arrive, and then speak it. 


Tips and Hacks for the Breath: Teach your brain and your breath to match your thought and the need for the length of your line. If we match the breath that comes into the thought that we speak, we're in control.


Gravitas the Book and Course: Finding your voice in the corporate sector. It’s about how you take the instrument, that is the voice, and find more calm, confidence and ease as a speaker, and how you really get congruent. 


Caroline’s Best Medicine: The Alexander technique. It's a life-changing discipline created by FM Alexander, who was a speaker who kept losing his voice. He realized his alignment, his posture was the issue and he self-taught himself to find the perfect posture of a toddler. It helped me find my alignment, my ease, my voice. I felt so much calmer. It's magic.