Classical singing is not a style. Classical singing is the most efficient, effective way for the body to produce sound before the invention of the microphone a hundred years ago.

If you breathe as if you're singing classically, then by thinking about what you want to create, the breath stays the same as if you're singing classically and then you can create whatever sound you want. Breathing differently to create different sounds is a myth.

ST to the power of 3: When I make a sound, I make sure that I start with my mouth open. Then as I continue to speak, I stay open. And when I finish a phrase, I stop open. But you don't know that I'm doing that because I'm smiling. I am literally in a constant state of a deep breath.

Nobody in the opera world will admit that the ability to create bigger sounds is because you're bigger. I learned how to physically copy what a fat person would have naturally done which is basically staying in that constant support.

Learning to deep breathe more: Hold a yoga plank, leave your mouth open and make sounds while you're doing a plank. Because you have to hold your core to hold the plank, you automatically take a deeper breath and breathe into your back. Copy that deep breath when you stand up. And that's how a skinny person sings as loud as a fat person.

Isolate and choreograph, isolate, and choreograph—this leads to coordination. The body will figure out how to do that as you do it.

The body keeps you alive by making sure that you take another breath. We just don't know as the human race that we can be intentional about what that breath looks like. But now that we know that we can literally train ourselves to breathe a specific way, we can take command of giving ourselves a better shot.

Awesome Technique. If you want to be awesome in life, then you have to be intentional about being awesome. It's a three-step isolation exercise to make a sound specifically in awe, which is the biggest sound that a human being can make. 

Why talk this way? You have to be intentional and take ownership and authorship of your own life rather than being the editor of your life. And you have to be able to stand up to them and say, I'm going to do this, it's going to make me healthier.

Stephen’s best medicine: Awareness is the best. Starting with our awareness is the key to everything.


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