7:26 Turning Point of Career: When you get an opportunity in life, don't take it, master it. Opportunity meets preparation.


9:31 How to be great at what you do: Copy genius. If you're in a career and you're not hitting the marks you want to hit, stop, look around and see who in your business is doing it better. Find out what are they doing that you're not doing. Study their practices and take all the best things from them and make your practice even better.


12:17 Mentoring is not threatening: Having younger folks in the practice seek me as a mentor is an honor. It’s a way to show them what I'm doing and I don't feel that there's a threat.


Going After the Dream: I always knew as a dentist, I would be comfortable. I never imagined what inventing zoom would do to my life (not Zoom video conference, but Zoom, tooth whitening). That changed everything.


16:38 One of my biggest challenges was sitting down in creative meetings and try to come up with strategic marketing plans. I'm not the average bear. You can't use my practice as the standard, because there's nothing standard about my practice.


18:03 Oral Health Tips: Brush and floss at least three times a day and see your dentist at least twice a year.


21:04 Fitness for Men Over 50: It’s exercise, diet, and genetics. Use less weights, do more repetitions. Genetics explain different results from the same regimen. But there’s no excuse for being out of shape. Bad habits get us out of shape. 23:00


23:33 You only get one body. You get to choose what you do to that body. Make it a priority to take take care of that body. Do what you can do, because but if you don't use it, you lose it. Figure out what you can do, what you're comfortable doing, and try to do it as frequently as you can.


24:57 Finding your Purpose: If you really haven't found your passion, sit down and think of three things that interest you the most. See if you can shadow people who work in those industries and see if it's how you expect it to be. By doing it, you'll discover either you like it, or that's the wrong direction and l you pivot.  But at least you're moving and at least you're trying to discover that.


27:00 Leaving a Legacy: My mantra in life is to learn so you can earn and then return. I have put on a non-profit for 15 years now, doing motivational leadership programs for high school and college students.


29:42 Philanthropy and giving: Science is telling us that if we've got that sense of purpose, we're out there giving, we actually change biochemical processes in our body that make us live longer and feel happier. But you don't have to necessarily give money. You can give your time. You can give your love. You've got so much that you can give.


31:16 Bill’s Best Medicine: Tenacity.