5:31 Journey to Inner Healing: From abandonment wound that carried on and kept showing up in my life, heavy emotions showed up as tightness and pain in my body.


9:21 Story of the mammoth mountain: Even at a 10/10 state of pain and fear, I accessed my intuition and I knew and felt that my path is not to give my power away to someone that wants to cut in and try to fix my injury that way. I promised to try all natural means necessary for healing.


11:08 Neurokinetic Therapy: It’s about addressing the neurological traffic jam—what’s not allowing the signal to get to parts of your body. 


13:31 I saw a common denominator as I was addressing the physiological aspects of injuries: there are underlying emotional and metaphysical issues in their experience that also need to heal.


14:01 Through understanding and taking responsibility for subconsciously pushing people away, I was able to connect the dots between the emotions that I hadn't felt but were residing in my body as issues.


17:12 Signs of Subconscious Limiting Belief: It can show up in your health, relationships, and wealth. They're running behind the scenes. We can have the strongest willpower to change habits but if these programs are still running, then you'll keep experiencing different characters in the same situations going on. 


19:00 Inner Peace Process: I believe that one of the greatest skills we can have as involving human beings is the ability to identify these limiting beliefs and, and have a way of clearing and resolving them. It's an eight-week progressive journey learning the keys to manifesting with ease and visioneering.