5:08 - 5:38 

I don't know that they knew they were coaching me. And I don't know that I knew I was being coached, but I had a lot of mentors. I was fortunate to be around a lot of great coaches from a really early age. I think some of the best coaches in the world are teachers and elementary schools and high school basketball coaches.


5:38 - 6:05 

You don't have to be this super complex person or somebody who works with the best of the best to be a great coach. I've also spent a lot of time with people that do what I do now and, and certainly have benefited from that as well.


6:53 - 7:03 

When I got fired, it made me think about my life's journey and where I was spending my time and energy. I lost a lot of money. It hurt my reputation. My identity was rocked because I had found all of my identity in my achievement, accomplishment, and bank account. I was really living for who I was as a businessman. When that was taken away from me, it just really rocked me from the inside out. 


7:35 - 7:53 

The coaching business was a result of a lot of longstanding relationships. I looked at my wife and I just said, Hey, let's launch this business. Let's do it. Full-time. And we did. And we've never looked back.


8:32 - 9:05 

First step to Get Back Up: Ask a lot of questions. When you're broken, you're willing to listen. A wise man keeps many counselors. Seek counsel from people that know you really well. Ask life's more important and difficult questions. Self-awareness helps you grow. 


9:41 - 9:57 

And it was something that you knew didn't define you. It really seemed like you had the intuition and the wherewithal to know that it was only going to be temporary. And maybe the answers were just a few questions away from the people that were important to you.


9:58 - 10:35 

There's another chapter that you're going to write. And a lot of times your deepest hurt becomes your greatest ministry. That doesn't always play out professionally. But you grow in your compassion and in your empathy. That's really beautiful and powerful. 


10:35 - 10:46 

I know for me, there is no way I'd be doing what I'm doing now, and there's no way I'd be married to my wife. And there's no way I'd have three wonderful daughters. If I didn't get buried at 27 years old,.


11:19 - 11:51 

Telling your Story at the Right Time: Even after accepting the story, you may not be really ready to tell it. When you got to a place in your life where it is no longer affecting your current identity, you become ready to tell your story.


12:38 - 12:50 

Nobody wants to read a story that doesn't have a plot twist.


13:05 - 13:42 

Every one of us goes through tough things, whether it's with our health, our family, our profession, through some adversity. It takes time but when we get to the other side of it and once we can own it, accept it and then talk about it in a way that serves and impacts others, we could be a force for good.


14:26 - 14:57 

Getting out of the rut: Take messy action (Heather Monahan). You don't have to sit around and get clarity, just do something. If you want to change the way you feel, take action, take a step. It doesn't have to be the perfect step. 


15:45 - 16:17 

Setting vision and setting with clarity: If you don't figure out who you are (your values) before what (your goals), your goals could take you to a place that you never intended to go.


16:47 - 17:25 

Being Authentic to who you are: Don't wait until the bottom falls out to start thinking about who you want to become. The actions you're taking today are going to affect your future. 


17:49 - 18:27 

Shifting States: It's about attempting stuff too. If you're willing to try new things and take action, it increases your humility and you grow in your confidence.


19:23 - 19:53 

Finding the balance: If I win inside the walls of my home, everything else works out. If I lose, if I'm falling inside the walls of my home, things do not work out. But do not quit on that person. If you're not willing to do that, then your ego is getting in the way. 


20:42 - 20:54 

Practical tools: Schedule time with your family, do not find with family over something you probably shouldn't be fighting for. Get off the grid with your family.


25:12 - 25:47 

Cultivating ability to focus. Own it—create boundaries, systems, processes. Be accountable. Have time away from your phone. Disconnect and unplug. Part of focus is going small—understanding that actually the art of doing more is found through fewer activities. 


28:47 - 29:21: Gratitude—just being thankful for the simple things in life.