07:24 Because I was dyslexic at a very young age, I had this overbearing thing over me that I was trying to hide and figure out. The immigrant struggle wasn't as big as that struggle.


09:51 Dyslexia is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and words (decoding). It takes a person with dyslexia five times more effort to read than somebody who doesn't.


10:25 I realized something was missing–this was not my life's purpose. I realized through that thought process that my whole life was about preparing me to be an entrepreneur.


12:52 Being a speaker and coach: When I got on the stage the first time, it's like a magical moment had happened and that my whole life had been preparing me for that. And that was my aha moment. I knew it was what I wanted and had to do for the rest of my life.


15:46 Building myself to become an international speaker: At school, I wanted to be able to express myself and let people know I'm smart and that was cultivated by my teachers.  When I realized I wanted to do speaking, I really worked hard and deeply to develop the practice.


17:18 The reason why I'm happy is that I decided to be happy yesterday. And then put the systems and processes in place to be happy—rituals, routines, habits.


07:24 Because I was dyslexic at a very young age, I had this overbearing thing over me that I was trying to hide and figure out. The immigrant struggle wasn't as big as that struggle.


09:51 Dyslexia is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and words (decoding). It takes a person with dyslexia five times more effort to read than somebody who doesn't.


10:25 I realized something was missing–this was not my life's purpose. I realized through that thought process that my whole life was about preparing me to be an entrepreneur.


12:52 Being a speaker and coach: When I got on the stage the first time, it's like a magical moment had happened and that my whole life had been preparing me for that. And that was my aha moment. I knew it was what I wanted and had to do for the rest of my life.


15:46 Building myself to become an international speaker: At school, I wanted to be able to express myself and let people know I'm smart and that was cultivated by my teachers.  When I realized I wanted to do speaking, I really worked hard and deeply to develop the practice.


17:18 The reason why I'm happy is that I decided to be happy yesterday. And then put the systems and processes in place to be happy—rituals, routines, habits.


18:45 Cultivating happiness: Fostering a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset. Start with understanding that you have the power to control it. A lot of this starts with what you reverberate.


19:54 Little Things You Can Do to Boost Your Mood: Practice gratitude. Get out of your mind and go into your physical body. Set your intention for every single activity.


23:09 Tips for Dealing with Stress: Physically move the environment that you're in. Practice a breathing technique that increases the energy in your brain like box breathing. Putting in power postures changes the psychology and biochemistry in your brain. Force yourself to smile for 60 seconds.


26:59 It's good to admire people but understand that you're in two different places on your own journeys. The difference between those places is putting in the work in a smart, intelligent way and living your true purpose towards it.


29:07 Being authentic is key: Don't fake it. If you're having doubts, talk about it. As you talk about it, people will come out to help you.


30:16 Getting past procrastination, getting more motivation: Understand what you really need to work on. Think about what you can do to change your habits. Always start with the minimum viable effort.


32:23 Golden Nugget: The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing (Socrates). It humbles you to understand that there's always something to learn. Life is an ever-evolving educational process. Always be humbled to learn and develop yourself because as you challenge yourself, you’re living a fuller life.


34:26 Best Medicine: Gratitude and Clarity.

18:45 Cultivating happiness: Fostering a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset. Start with understanding that you have the power to control it. A lot of this starts with what you reverberate.


19:54 Little Things You Can Do to Boost Your Mood: Practice gratitude. Get out of your mind and go into your physical body. Set your intention for every single activity.


23:09 Tips for Dealing with Stress: Physically move the environment that you're in. Practice a breathing technique that increases the energy in your brain like box breathing. Putting in power postures changes the psychology and biochemistry in your brain. Force yourself to smile for 60 seconds.


26:59 It's good to admire people but understand that you're in two different places on your own journeys. The difference between those places is putting in the work in a smart, intelligent way and living your true purpose towards it.


29:07 Being authentic is key: Don't fake it. If you're having doubts, talk about it. As you talk about it, people will come out to help you.


30:16 Getting past procrastination, getting more motivation: Understand what you really need to work on. Think about what you can do to change your habits. Always start with the minimum viable effort.


32:23 Golden Nugget: The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing (Socrates). It humbles you to understand that there's always something to learn. Life is an ever-evolving educational process. Always be humbled to learn and develop yourself because as you challenge yourself, you’re living a fuller life.


34:26 Best Medicine: Gratitude and Clarity.