06:01 Aging backwards: Our DNA tells us exactly how we should live our lives—we used to think this sets in stone how our longevity and life would turn out. But the truth is: the DNA is a dynamic thing that constantly interacts with its environment.


Our DNA vibrates to a certain environment and energy that we truly love - we learn this in the way we eat, sleep, approach the world and become. When you become somebody that you're not meant to be, and doesn't go with your DNA, it brings about dissonance and your body feels stressed. You pick up bad habits and turn you into somebody you're not.


09:04 Despite extensive training as a medical doctor, I still got a chronic disease because I didn't have the tools to understand what wellness really was. I started to heal myself by being authentic with who I really am. I started with understanding, loving, and accepting myself and living my life according to that.


10:34 It's both medical and spiritual: Telomeres—caps of DNA—are affected by physical energies (sleep, nutrition, movement), emotional energies (stress and emotional mastery), mental energy (thoughts and mindset), and spiritual energy (relationships, and having a sense of purpose). Telomeres protect our DNA.


13:36 Epigenetics: How our cells behave is determined by how our genes are expressed. Our DNA constantly listens to its environment (7 bioenergetic elements) to determine which genes to turn on and off.


15:08 Optimizing health made simple: List all the things that could help improve your health but pick the one with the lowest barrier of entry for you. Do that one thing first and make it a habit. You'll feel the shift.


16:59 Getting this to our Kids: Listen to them and see what motivates them. Tap into what lights them up.


20:13 The emotions of anger, hate, anxiety, resentment turn on stress genes. While emotions of love, joy, and being lit up are anti-aging medicines. The strongest elevated emotion of all is gratitude.


21:18 The Ultimate Commodity: Purpose. Feeling a sense of purpose has been shown to help you to live 7 years longer. But purpose doesn't have to be difficult. It is about remembering—who we are, what gives us joy, and sharing it with the world. Your purpose is you.


22:54 Taking the first small step to reverse aging: The gift of disease and the struggles in your life that you've overcome is that they allowed you to go through the journey to understand what true healing is. Pick up the book. Recognize and wake up. Pick up the easiest step. Build the habit.


26:17 Side hustle and living out your passion: Find the activity that lights you up. Do it anyway. Feeling good from it is your reward. It will grow organically because you vibrate with it.


29:13 When you're feeling symptoms or anything's off in your life, remember that's not YOU. The true you is full of love. And if you're aligned with that, you'll receive more of that. You are your best medicine. You it!