In this day of 24/7 connectivity, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and never feel completely switched off. 

If you are longing for some real down time, to feel less stressed then this show is for you!

In today's episode

>> Viv gets super practical on today's episode and shares 5 notifications you CAN live without in order to focus on the task at hand.

>> She reveals that ONE notification you CAN'T live without

>> Viv encourages you to set your phone up to serve you best so that you can be in the moment.

 If you know someone who might enjoy this show, or indeed benefit from the mindset tools, support strategies and actionable tips please do let them know.  Maybe take a photo of you listening to the show and post it on insta, be sure to tag me, you never know there might be a reward in it for you... I love action takers


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