One question I get often from mamas is, "how can I reduce stress around mealtimes?" This episode is a quick start guide to help you know how to reduce mealtime struggles with your child. You can get off the mealtime struggle cycle, build a trust-based feeding relationship with your child, and help them become healthy, confident eaters. 

 Here's what you'll learn:
~The one myth keeping you stuck in the mealtime stress cycle.
~Common areas where you may be struggling and what to do instead.
~Simple steps to help your child become a confident eater. Be sure to grab this free guide to help you dive deeper into this.
~How to make changes where trust with your child has been broken

Mama, mealtimes can be challenging but they don't need to feel like war. You can have less stressful mealtimes, mama. Let me show you how.

 Links mentioned in this episode:

Podcast Episode 8: The One Thing Your Child Needs From You When it Comes to EatingA Quick Start Guide on How to Help Your Child Eat. Get yours here.Looking to heal your relationship with food so that you can fully support your child to become a healthy, confident eater? Join the waitlist for Thrive here.Learn all about me and how I can support you here.

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